
Welcome to the home of the Luyia Dictionary Project. Our goal is to provide dictionary materials for all of the 18+ Luyia dialects of western Kenya and eastern Uganda.


 Our team is growing and our projects are expanding! We are adopting WeSay for online collaboration to develop various Luyia dictionaries. After converting the Excel spreadsheets to LIFT format, we have recently begun projects on Kabaras and Marachi using this technology, thanks to several new volunteers, and we are transitioning dictionary materials collected by Douglas Makhulo to this format. [11 March 2011]

Updated Research team and Photos pages [30 April 2010].

Lightly edited comparative wordlist of Kisa, Tsotso, Appleby 1943, and Wanga uploaded [24 January 2010].

Unedited comparative wordlist of Idakho, Appleby 1943, and Wanga uploaded [24 January 2010].

Unedited comparative wordlist of Tura, Appleby 1943, and Wanga uploaded [24 January 2010].

Ndanyi & Ndanyi's 2005 monolingual Logoori dictionary uploaded: Amang'ana go Lulimi lwo Lulogooli (part1, part2, part3, part4, part5) [02 November 2009].

L.L. Appleby’s 1943 Luluhya-English Vocabulary and the Friends Africa Mission Press 1940 Luragoli-English Vocabulary uploaded [10 March 2009].

Bukusu and Wanga dictionary materials updated [01 September 2008].

Handwritten materials on Idakho (x2), Isukha, Kabarasi, Khayo (x2), Kisa, Logoori (x2), Nyala-West, Nyore, Saamia, Tachoni, Tiriki (x2), Tsotso, and Tura uploaded; see Dictionaries page [08 December 2008].  


Shem Mbira et al., Shiveye, Kenya


Moses Egesa, Khalaba, Kenya