Ye Lu

School of Economics, University of Sydney 

ye.lu1 [at]

CV   USyd page

I am an econometrician interested in econometric theory, time series econometrics, and high-dimensional methods.

I have been coordinating the Econometrics seminar series at the School of Economics, University of Sydney. Here is a list of researchers in our group focused primarily on the study of econometric theory.

Upcoming and recent seminar and conference presentations


Working paper version: download

Working paper version: arXiv | MATLAB code [GitHub][Live script] | R code [GitHub]

Work in progress


University of Sydney

ECMT1020 Introduction to Econometrics, S1, 2021-2024

ECOS3904 Applied Macroeconometrics, S2, 2017-2020.

ECMT6006 Applied Financial Econometrics, S1, 2018-2024