
I am a senior scientia fellow in the Department of Economics at the University of New South Wales and also the Institute for Climate Risk & Response (ICRR). Recipient of the prestigious Paul Bourke Award for Early Career Research in 2021 by the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. See the public lecture I gave for the award on the economic implications of climate change here.

Link to my Google Scholar Page

Link to my CV

My main research interests are panel data econometrics, machine learning, and climate change / environmental economics. My research has involved developing and applying panel data methods to a diverse range of topics including the effects of climate change on crop yield, the impact of child labour on child development, and panic buying during the COVID pandemic. My future research agenda includes modelling the economic implications of climate change and exploring the synergies that exist between machine learning and econometric approaches to prediction and causal inference.

Alongside academic research, I have worked as an economic consultant on a full time and casual basis for prominent firms in Australia including Ernst & Young and Deloitte Access Economics.

Email (uni): timothy.neal@unsw.edu.au

Email (personal): tjrneal@gmail.com