Stata Code

mixmixlogit - Implements the Mixed-Mixed Multinomial Logit Model (MM-MNL) or Mixed Latent Class Logit.

Download v1.0 here as a .zip file.

xtmo - Implements the Mean Observation OLS ('MO-OLS') estimator for large static/dynamic panel data models with multidimensional slope heterogeneity

Download v1.0 here as a .zip file.

xtcce - Implements the static and dynamic Common Correlated Effects estimator with OLS/2SLS/GMM

Download v1.2 here as a .zip file.

xtkr - Implements the Keane and Runkle (1992) estimator for short dynamic panel data estimation

Download v1.0 here as a .zip file.

xtpedroni - Implements Pedroni's panel cointegration tests and mean group PDOLS estimator.

Download here as a .zip file.