
Peer Reviewed /Refereed Publications


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Research Currently in Progress

The research project's purpose is to develop a framework for applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques on the Insurance data. For this direction, we are exploring the worker compensation data set which contains textual description and apply several popular NLP techniques such as BERT coupled with other deep learning techniques to identify certain factors like number of days the claim is active.

Healthcare data are constantly generated from different devices, hardware, and platforms with different data formats. How to integrate these data into a compatible, consistent format and deliver to the correct recipients? How to present these data on different platforms like IOS, Android App? What insights we can have from the data by using analytics? These are the problems this research is trying to answer.

The traditional proxy model uses polynomials such as regression equation to reduce the complexity of sophisticated models. We are interested to apply the machine learning algorithms such as deep learning to train an approximated model that performs better than the polynomial models.