
Last updated: Feb 2022

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Holman LE, Parker-Nance S, de Bruyn M, Creer S, Carvalho GR, Rius M (2022) Managing human mediated range shifts: understanding spatial, temporal and genetic variation in marine non-native species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377: 20210025 PDF


Fernandez S, Miller DL, Holman LE, Gittenberger A, Ardura A, Rius M, Mirimin L (2021) Environmental DNA sampling protocols for the surveillance of marine non-indigenous species in Irish coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 172: 112893 PDF

Holman LE, Chng Y, Rius M (2021) How does eDNA decay affect metabarcoding experiments? Environmental DNA 4(1), 108-116 PDF

Holman LE, de Bruyn M, Creer S, Carvalho G, Robidart, J, Rius M (2021) Animals, protists and bacteria share marine biogeographic patterns. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (6), 738–746 PDF


Holman LE, Hollenbeck CM, Ashton TJ, Johnston IA (2019) Demonstration of the Use of Environmental DNA for the Non-Invasive Genotyping of a Bivalve Mollusk, the European Flat Oyster (Ostrea edulis). Frontiers in Genetics. 10:1159 PDF

Holman LE, de Bruyn M, Creer S, Carvalho G, Robidart, J, Rius M (2019) The detection of novel and resident marine non-indigenous species using environmental DNA metabarcoding of seawater and sediment. Scientific Reports 9:11559 PDF

Holman LE, Rius M, Blackburn TM (2019) Observations of a novel predatory gull behaviour on an invasive ascidian: A new consequence of coastal urban sprawl? Ecosphere 10(3), e02636 PDF


Deiner K, Lopez J, Bourne S, Holman LE, Seymour M, Gray EK, Lacoursière A, Li, Y, Renshaw MA, Pfrender ME, Rius M, Bernatchez L, Lodge DM (2018). Optimizing the detection of marine taxonomic richness using environmental DNA metabarcoding: the effects of filter material, pore size, and extraction method. Metabarcoding & Metagenomics 2: e28963 PDF

Bourne SD, Hudson J, Holman LE, Rius M, (2018) Marine Invasion Genomics: Revealing Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Biological Invasions. In: Oleksiak MF, Rajora (eds.), Population Genomics: Marine Organisms, Springer PDF

Paris JR, Sherman KD, Bell E, Boulenger C, Delord C, El-Mahdi MBM, Fairfield EA, Griffiths AM, Gutmann Roberts C, Hedger RD, Holman LE, et al. Stevens JR (2018) Understanding and managing fish populations: keeping the toolbox fit for purpose. Journal of fish biology, 92(3), pp.727-751. PDF


Holman LE, Garcia de la serrana D,Onoufriou A, Hillestad B, Johnston IA (2017) A workflow used to design low density SNP panels for parentage assignment and traceability in aquaculture species and its validation in Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture, 476, pp.59-64. PDF