I'm broadly interested in applying DNA-based tools to understand the drivers generating, maintaining and impacting on marine biodiversity through time and space.

I have most recently addressed questions related to understanding how, and if, these drivers produce meaningful delineated biogeographic regions, and to what extent anthropogenic forces, affect biodiversity patterns. To date, I have used a range of DNA-based methods to answer these questions, with a recent focus on environmental DNA metabarcoding.


  • Marine biodiversity

  • Species invasions

  • Rstats & Bioinformatics

  • Environmental DNA

  • Metabarcoding

  • Aquaculture genomics

See research for more details

The Journey so far...

Postdoc 2021 - Current

GLOBE Institute, University of Copenhagen

PhD Student 2017-2021

University of Southampton

MPhil Aquaculture Genomics 2015-16

University of St Andrews

Research Associate 2014-16

Xelect Ltd

BSc Marine Biology (1st Class) 2010-14

University of St Andrews