I am an Assistant Professor in Economics at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. I am an invited researcher at the Jobs Opportunity Initiative run by JPAL and an IZA Research Fellow. I previously was a visiting researcher at the Centre for the Studies of African Economies at the University of Oxford.
I mainly work on Development Economics, Labor Economics, and Political Behavior.
Email: lukas.hensel@gsm.pku.edu.cn
Political Activists are Not Driven by Instrumental Motives: Evidence from Two Natural Field Experiments. (with Anselm Hager, Johannes Hermle, and Chris Roth). British Journal of Political Science, (accepted). (working paper)
Voice and Political Engagement: Evidence from a Field Experiment. (Anselm Hager, Christopher Roth, and Andreas Stegmann). The Review of Economics and Statistics, (forthcoming). (gated, ungated, replication package)
Political Activists as Free-Riders: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment. (with Anselm Hager, Johannes Hermle, and Chris Roth). The Economic Journal, 2023, 133(July), 2068–2084. (gated, ungated, replication package)
Group Size and Protest Mobilization across Movements and Countermovements. (with Anselm Hager, Johannes Hermle, and Chris Roth). American Political Science Review, 2022, 116(3), 1051–1066. (open access; replication package)
Global Behaviors, Perceptions, and the Emergence of Social Norms at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (with Marc Witte, Stefano Caria, Thiemo Fetzer, Stefano Fiorin, Friedrich Goetz, …, and Jon Jachimowicz). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2022, 193, 473–496. (gated, ungated, data and analysis files)
Coronavirus Perceptions and Economic Anxiety. (with Thiemo Fetzer, Johannes Hermle, and Chris Roth). The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021, 103 (5): 968–978. (gated, ungated, replication package)
Does Party Competition Affect Political Activism? (with Anselm Hager, Johannes Hermle, and Chris Roth). The Journal of Politics, 2021, 83(4), 1681-1694. (open access, replication package)
Income Shocks and Suicides: Causal Evidence From Indonesia. (with Cornelius Christian and Chris Roth). The Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(5), 905–920. (gated, ungated)
Working papers:
Jobseekers’ Beliefs about Comparative Advantage and (Mis)Directed Search (with Rob Garlick, Andrea Kiss, and Kate Orkin)
[updated December 2024]
Formalized Employee Search and Labor Demand (with TsegayTekleselassie and Marc Witte)
[updated May 2024]
Selected work in progress:
Mitigating the Consequences of Job Loss in Ethiopia (with Girum Abebe, Stefano Caria, and François Gerard)
Hiring on Soft Skills or Qualifications (with Robert Garlick, Kate Orkin, and Jennifer Kades)
Vacancy Information and Applicant Selection (with Tsegay Tekleselassie, Marc Witte, and Maria Balgova)
Demand for Feedback and Job Search (with Tsegay Tekleselassie, Ingo Isphording, Jonas Radbruch, and Marc Witte)
Manager Quality and Career Trajectories: Evidence from a Large Construction Firm (with Yuyu Chen, and Xinjue Yao)
Increasing Women’s Political Participation in Kyrgyzstan (with Damir Esenaliev, Anselm Hager, and Elnura Kazakbaeva) [Part of EGAP Metaketa V: Women's Action Committees and Local Services]
Mutual Knowledge of Social Norms and Political Activism (with Damir Esenaliev, Anselm Hager, and Elnura Kazakbaeva)