Published work

Elofsson, K., Karpavicius, L., & Yan, S. (2023). A meta-analysis of transaction costs for projects to enhance carbon sequestration in land use and the potential implications in the Danish context (Scientific Report 577; p. 38). DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy.

Mette Termansen, Sander Jacobs, & Aidin Niamir. (2020). IPBES VA Chapter 3. Systematic PCIV (Principles, Criteria, Indicators, Verifiers) review on valuation methods. Karpavicius is listed as a contributing author.

( in Brazilian Portuguese)

KARPAVICIUS, L. M.; NARITA, R.; ROCHA, F.; BRENCK, C.; BORGES, B.; PEREDA, P.; DIAZ, M.D.M. & MATSUNUNGA, LIZ. “Diversidade de Gênero: a FEA em Números PARTES I e II”. BIFE (Information Report FIPE), June/May issue 2019.

CHAHAD, J.P.Z; KARPAVICIUS, L.M. “Por Que Apesar da Forte Crise Recessiva os Preços Têm Caído Lentamente?”. BIFE (Information Report FIPE), November issue, 2016.

CHAHAD, J.P.Z; KARPAVICIUS, L.M. “Evolução dos Salários de Base e da Produtividade no Brasil: 2008/2016”.  BIFE (Information Report FIPE), September issue, 2016.

Contributions to other papers

Pereda, P., Montoya Diaz, M.D., Rocha, F., Matsunaga, L., Borges, B.P., Mena-Chalco, J., Narita, R. and Brenck, C., 2022. Are women less persistent? Evidence from submissions to a nationwide meeting of Economics. Applied Economics, pp.1-12. Karpavicius is thanked in the aknowledgments for “excellent research assistant work”.

Pinho, D.B., Vasconcellos, M.A.S., Toneto Junior, R., Gremaud, A.P., Montoro Filho, A.F., Chagas, A.L.S., Campino, A.C.C., Lanzana, A.E.T., Luque, C.A., Pinho, C.M. and Lucinda, C.R.D., 2017. Manual de economia. Karpavicius is thanked in the aknowledgments section of chapters 21 and 22, for “supporting in the search for data, elaboration of graphs, tables and figures”.

Working papers

A part from my PhD I am involved other research projects, and have the following working papers:

I am also working on a spin-off paper from my PhD thesis with environmental sociologist Katinka B. Falls, a review and conceptualization of the external benefits  from increased transaction costs generating activities in sequestration projects.