Environmental Economics, Climate Economics, Applied Microeconometrics, Policy Analysis & Design

I am an environmental economist specializing in the interactions between governamental policies and the environment. I am currently in my third year as a PhD student in Environmental Economics at the Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University.
I will be on the job market in 2025! If you know of future postdoctoral opportunities or similar matching my profile, I kindly encourage you to reach out.
I hold a Msc in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from Copenhagen University (IFRO/KU), and a Bsc in Economics from the University of São Paulo (FEA/USP).   I have significant experience in research, teaching & dissemination in economics and particularly environmental economics.

Check my academic website, if you would like to learn more: 

If you would like to reach me, email me at: luiza.karpavicius@envs.au.dk