Doing Econometrics and coding

For applied economists and econometricians, students, practitioners or professionals in the field, with proper background in mathematics, statistics and econometrics, it is crucial to being exposed to some programming language. During my licenciatura (BA) I learned econometrics using TSP (... examples ??? ...).For my masters (MSc) I got exposed with GAUSS (... example thesis ...). I kept it as my favourite language while doing my PhD (... examples thesis ...).After my PhD I still used GAUSS (Some in papers) but then I learned R and more recently PYTHON. These are open-source programming languages, provide large standard libraries, have a vast array of packages so is continuously growing, have online discussion forums, and are platform-independent languages.

Bellow I provide examples on time series econometrics and applied macroeconomics or finance using R and Python. But before that ... some tutorial help:

(... links to sites ...) (... my own materials ...)


details ... motivation, data, model, conclusion, further next, code ...


details ... motivation, data, model, conclusion, further next, code ...


details ... motivation, data, model, conclusion, further next, code ...