IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer Program

For IEEE PES Chapters interested in the IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) here is an updated and detailed list of the Talks and Tutorials that I can deliver. To organise a DLP event, please follow the instructions on the DLP website. Details of the DLP events I have delivered so far and those already scheduled can be found here.


Length: ~45 minutes plus ~15 min of Q&A

Talk 7. "The Australian Approach to Solar PV and Distribution Networks"

Abstract: Australia is leading the world in the adoption of rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with almost 1 in 3 houses having the technology. But similar to other countries where solar PV is becoming more common, distribution companies in Australia have faced and continue to face multiple technical challenges (from voltage rise issues to asset congestion) to facilitate more residential solar PV installations.

This talk will present the different strategies that Australian distribution companies have used in the past years to help them facilitate the solar PV installations they have today. This includes the evolution of PV inverter standards, the use of off-load and on-load tap changers, and the application of export limits. In addition, this talk will present and discuss the advantages and challenges of the most recent strategy that will be used in the coming years by most Australian distribution companies: the use of flexible exports (time-varying export limits at the connection point of customers).

Talk 6. "Operating Envelopes: Basics, Implementation, and Business as Usual"

Abstract: Australia has almost 1 in 3 houses with solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and more than 180,000 residential batteries. These technologies, known as Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), are also creating opportunities for their owners to provide services to the system operator (the Australian Energy Market Operator [AEMO]) through aggregators. However, as the volume of DERs providing services increases, we must ensure the integrity of the 'poles and wires' connecting homes and businesses, i.e., voltages and power flows must be within limits. To tackle this challenge, distribution companies across Australia are gearing up to offer their customers flexible connection agreements known as operating envelopes (OEs): time-varying export or import limits at the connection point of customers.

This talk will present the concept of OEs and the challenges associated with their implementation on real networks (data requirements, modelling, allocation techniques, forecasts) by showcasing the findings and lessons learnt from the trial Project EDGE. This talk will also discuss different OE implementation alternatives and how distribution companies in Australia are adopting OEs as business as usual.

Talk 5. "The Future of DER Hosting Capacity and DER Orchestration"

Abstract: Distribution companies, who manage the poles and wires, struggle to have accurate and up-to-date electrical models of their residential areas, known as low voltage (LV) networks. And without electrical models, it is hard to assess how much their networks are capable of hosting distributed energy resources (DER) such as solar PV or electric vehicles; particularly when voltages are likely to be a major issue. Similarly, if distribution companies want to orchestrate/coordinate DER, the calculation of set points or limits (such as operating envelopes) requires quantifying the voltage effects from different exports or imports.

Taking advantage of historical smart meter data, this talk will demonstrate that is possible to capture the physics of three-phase LV networks and create an electrical model-free approach to calculate voltages which, in turn, allows the calculation of DER Hosting Capacity and enables DER Orchestration. Using Neural Networks, the nonlinear relationships among the historical data (demand and voltages) and the corresponding LV networks can be captured. This approach can make it possible for distribution companies to bypass the time-consuming process of producing LV network models and, instead, carry out accurate, extremely fast voltage calculations for any type of what-if scenarios involving residential solar PV, batteries, electric vehicles, etc.

Talk 4. "Smart Meter-Driven Approaches for PV-Rich Low Voltage Network Modelling, Operation and Planning"

Abstract: Residential solar PV is installed behind the meter of mainly single-phase customers connected to three-phase low voltage (LV) feeders (e.g., 400V line-to-line). This means that for distribution companies to adequately quantify the impacts from reverse power flows due to excess solar PV generation, the corresponding electrical models are required. These models are critical when calculating voltages given the non-linear and unbalance nature of LV feeders. However, the task of producing electrical models of thousands of LV feeders is already a significant challenge for distribution companies around the world, which, in turn, makes the operation and planning of PV-rich LV networks even more challenging. It is in this context that the exploitation of historical smart meter data can not only help distribution companies with their modelling tasks but also provide radical alternatives to how they operate and plan future PV-rich LV networks.

This talk presents and discusses the findings of two advanced smart meter-driven approaches using real smart meter data from Victoria, Australia. The first constructs three-phase LV models solely using smart meter data, multiple linear regression and machine learning techniques, to simultaneously determine the phase group, topology, and three-phase and single-phase line impedances. The second, a more radical approach, goes model-free. It demonstrates that neural networks can be trained to capture the physics of three-phase LV feeders with dozens of single-phase customers; making it possible to have fast and accurate voltage calculations which in turn makes it possible to carry out model-free operation and planning calculations.

Talk 3. "Managing EVs in Australian Urban and Rural Grids"

Abstract: The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) poses technical and economic challenges for our power grid. Electricity distribution networks were not designed with a high penetration of electric vehicles in mind. Charging EVs at home can significantly increase our normal demand, affecting the poles and wires. Nonetheless, if EV charging is managed well, it could mean more efficient networks, leading to lower prices and better outcomes for energy consumers. 

Mitigating the effects of mass EV integration into existing power systems is a complex but not impossible task. However, whether it is by directly managing the EV charging points or by persuading EV users to charge at different times, it is important for distribution companies to understand the extent of the benefits of potential EV management solutions.

This talk will present the results from studies that simulate the control of EV charging points at homes as well as the use of time-of-use tariffs in both urban and rural areas. The studies were carried out as part of the project "EV Integration" funded by Energy Networks Australia (ENA) and the Centre for New Energy Technologies (C4NET). The assessment involves fully modelled HV (22kV and 11kV) feeders, and pseudo low voltage (0.4kV) networks to capture the effects close to end users, time-series analyses, and rapid adoption of EVs. 

Talk 2. "Solar PV Hosting Capacity of Distribution Networks: The Benefits of Non-Traditional Solutions"

Abstract: Electricity distribution companies in many countries around the world are finding it challenging to allow residential customers to continue to install photovoltaic (PV) systems due to the potential technical impacts resulting from high penetrations. To remove these barriers, speed up connection times, and reduce costs, it is crucial for distribution companies to increase the PV hosting capacity of their low and medium voltage networks. Adequately exploiting the capabilities of existing and new network assets, PV inverters and batteries will be key.

This talk presents the benefits from adopting non-traditional solutions such as strict Volt-Watt and Volt-Var PV inverter settings, OLTC-fitted LV transformers, Battery Energy Storage (BES) systems with Off-the-Shelf (OTS) and smarter controllers in combination with traditional solutions, and dynamic voltage target at zone substation OLTC aiming at increasing the solar PV hosting capacity of PV-rich distribution networks. The study was carried out as part of the project "Advanced Planning of PV-Rich Distribution Networks" funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and the distribution company AusNet Services. It includes the results of one the most advanced, highly-granular, detailed studies performed on multiple fully-modelled 22kV feeders (i.e., urban and rural, including pseudo low voltage networks) from Victoria, Australia considering time-series seasonal analyses and growing penetrations of solar PV. Findings show that the adaptive control of OLTC-fitted LV transformers can effectively manage voltages and, in combination with network augmentation, can increase hosting capacity to 100%. OTS BES systems do not change the hosting capacity as they are unable to reduce peak PV exports (they become full early in the day). However, advanced BES controllers that do reduce exports (such as the investigated Network Smart controller), could help increase hosting capacity to 100% without much need for network augmentation. The strict Volt-Watt and Volt-Var settings, as well as the dynamic voltage target at the primary substation OLTC, are effective in mitigating voltage problems. However, asset congestion can still occur, limiting their ability to significantly increase hosting capacity. The talk also provides a series of planning recommendations to help distribution companies take adequate planning actions that facilitate the widespread adoption of residential PV in a cost-effective and practical manner. A summary of the investigated complete solutions and their costs for the four fully-modelled HV-LV feeders (including urban and rural) are presented considering PV penetrations in the short-to-medium and long terms.

Talk 1. "Modelling of Future Distribution Networks: State-of-the-Art and Challenges"

Abstract: The increasing and future adoption of small-to-medium scale low-carbon technologies such as wind power, photovoltaic systems, electric vehicles, and storage, is and will pose significant technical and economic challenges on distribution networks – but also interesting opportunities. Indeed, medium and low voltage circuits, traditionally designed to have no or limited controllability (and hence are largely unmonitored), will become the bottlenecks and therefore understanding the required Smart Grid capabilities is critical to ensure the decarbonisation of our power systems.

This talk will discuss the use of simulation tools and approaches designed specifically to carry out sophisticated studies for distribution networks. It will highlight the importance of detailed network models and carrying out probabilistic analysis to cater for uncertainties. Furthermore, it will present novel frameworks in which optimisation and power flow analysis platforms can interact to mimic more realistically the future operation of network management systems. Finally, it will discuss the role of hardware-in-the-loop studies.


Tutorial. "Quantifying the DER Hosting Capacity of Distribution Networks: Models, Considerations and Tools"

Length: 3 hours (Foundations) + 2 hours (Hands-On)

Abstract: Distribution companies all over the world are finding it challenging to quantify the ability of their existing low and medium voltage networks to host residential Distributed Energy Resources (DER), such as photovoltaic (PV) systems and electric vehicles (EVs). This quantification, known as Hosting Capacity, is also needed to assess different potential solutions that could increase DER uptake. Thus, it is crucial for distribution companies to carry out adequate DER hosting capacity quantifications using appropriate models, considerations, and tools.

The foundations part of this tutorial will present and discuss different aspects required to quantify the residential DER hosting capacity of distribution networks, particularly focusing on solar PV and EVs. Using realistic case studies from urban and rural integrated MV-LV networks from Australia, this tutorial will explain and demonstrate the benefits but also the potential challenges and limitations of exploiting existing assets as well as the capabilities of DER.

During the hands-on part, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the basics of realistic modelling and analysis of distribution networks with solar photovoltaics using advanced tools. Attendees will use the programming language Python and the advanced distribution network analysis tool OpenDSS, an open-source tool developed by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in the US. OpenDSS will be used entirely with Python code thanks to the dss_python module developed by researchers at the University of Campinas in Brazil. And, to guide you, all will be done using Jupyter Notebook.

Structure: 3 hours (Foundations) + 2 hours (Hands-On)

Foundations - Part 1: Distribution Networks and DER

Foundations - Part 2: PV Hosting Capacity (PV Inverters and Batteries)

Foundations - Part 3: EV Hosting Capacity (EV Management and Time-of-Use Tariffs)

Hands-On - Conclusions and Further Q&A

This part of the tutorial will be hands-on and will require attendees to install specific software from our GitHub repositories.

Wrap-up, Conclusions and Q&A

Short Bio

Luis(Nando) Ochoa is a Professor of Smart Grids and Power Systems at The University of Melbourne, Australia, and Chief Scientist & Co-Founder at VoltMind. He is an IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer, an IEEE Senior Member, and a past Editorial Board Member of the IEEE Power and Energy Magazine. His expertise in network integration of distributed energy resources (DER) and smart grids as well as his extensive portfolio of industrial and academic projects have led to 220+ research papers, 90+ technical reports, and two patents. From 2011 to 2021, he was full and part-time with The University of Manchester, UK. From 2007 to 2010 he was a Research Fellow in Energy Systems at the University of Edinburgh, UK. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from UNI (Peru), and a Research MSc and a PhD in Electrical Power Engineering, both from UNESP Ilha Solteira (Brazil).

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