Prof Luis(Nando) Ochoa


I am the proud leader of one of the world’s top Research Teams on Smart Grids.

I am a Professor of Smart Grids and Power Systems at The University of Melbourne, Australia, and Chief Scientist & Co-Founder at VoltMind. I am an IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer, an IEEE Senior Member, and a part Editorial Board Member of the IEEE Power and Energy Magazine. Previously, from 2011 to 2021, I was full and part-time with The University of Manchester, UK. From 2007 to 2010 I was a Research Fellow in Energy Systems at the University of Edinburgh, UK. In 2010, I also undertook an industrial secondment with the Edinburgh-based company Psymetrix Ltd (part of GE). I hold a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering received from UNI (Peru), and a Research MSc and a PhD in Electrical Power Engineering, both received from UNESP Ilha Solteira (Brazil).

Our Research Team has produced 220+ research papers (list of publications and Research Gate) in peer-reviewed top-class international journals and conferences, 90+ technical reports, and two patents, one filed by Psymetrix Ltd and one filed by The University of Melbourne.

Interested in Smart Grids? The following IEEE Smart Grid and IEEE PES webinars, IEEE Smart Grid Newsletters, IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, and IEEE Electrification Magazine articles will give you an idea of our world-class research.

Interested in pursuing a PhD with us? Click here for more info.

Interested in Smart Grids? The following IEEE Smart Grid and IEEE PES webinars, IEEE Smart Grid Newsletters, IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, and IEEE Electrification Magazine articles will give you an idea of our world-class research.

Interested in pursuing a PhD with us? Click here for more info.

Our Research

Within the 'big area' of Future Distribution Networks with High Penetrations of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) the following are our main research interests:

Below are short videos showing some of our work at the Smart Grid Lab and our collaborations with industry.

Our Recent Technical Reports (list of reports)

Knowledge Sharing Report "Electrical Model Validation and Operating Envelope Calculation"

Project EDGE, Aug 2023. PDF Available: Research Gate

Final Report "Model-Free Operating Envelopes"

Project Model-Free Operating Envelopes at NMI Level, Aug 2023. PDF Available: Research Gate

Milestone 8 "EV Management and Time-of-Use Tariff Profiles"

Project EV Integration, May 2022. PDF Available: Research Gate

Milestone 6 "Network Modelling and EV Impact Assessment"

Project EV Integration, Oct 2021. PDF Available: Research Gate

Deliverable 0 "Concept, Smart Meter Data, and Initial Findings"

Project Model-Free Operating Envelopes at NMI Level, Feb 2021. PDF Available: Research Gate

Deliverable 6 "Consolidation of Findings (Final Report)"

Project Advanced Planning of PV-Rich Distribution Networks, Feb 2021. PDF Available: Research Gate

Our Recent Journal Papers (list of papers)

"Electrical model-free voltage calculations using neural networks and smart meter data"

IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, July 2023. Links: DOI and Research Gate

"Using OPF-based operating envelopes to facilitate residential DER services"

IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, November 2022. Links: DOI and Research Gate

"Assessing the EV Hosting Capacity of Australian Urban and Rural MV-LV Networks"

Electric Power Systems Research, November 2022. Links: DOI and Research Gate

"CVR and loss optimization through active voltage management: A trade-off analysis"

IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Dec 2021. Links: DOI and Research Gate

"Ensuring distribution network integrity using dynamic operating limits for prosumers"

IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, Sep 2021. Links: DOI and Research Gate

"Asset congestion and voltage management in large-scale MV-LV networks with solar PV"

IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Sep 2021. Links: DOI and Research Gate

"Grid and Market Services From the Edge: Using Operating Envelopes to Unlock Network-Aware Bottom-Up Flexibility"

IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, Jul/Aug 2021. Links: P&E Mag and Research Gate

"On the implementation of OPF-based setpoints for active distribution networks"

IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, Jul 2021. Links: DOI and Research Gate

"Quantifying the effects of MV-LV distribution network constraints and DER reactive power capabilities on aggregators"

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Jul 2021. Links: DOI and Research Gate

"Multi-year planning of LV networks with EVs accounting for customers, emissions and techno-economics aspects: A practical and scalable approach"

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Feb 2021. Links: DOI and Research Gate