Luigi's CV


2021            Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Bari "Aldo Moro" (Italy)

2019-2021   Senior Lecturer (RTD b) of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Bari "Aldo Moro" (Italy)

2016-2018   Senior Researcher, MEMEG unit, Department of Biology, Lund University (Sweden)

2015-2016   Senior Researcher, Physical Chemistry Division, Department of Chemistry, Lund University (Sweden)

2013-2018   Post-Doc, Department of Chemistry - DIMES, University of Calabria (Italy)


2011            Ph.D. in Mesophases and Mesomorphic materials, Bernardino Telesio School, University of Calabria (Italy)

2006-2008   Master Degree in Chemistry (110/110 cum laude), Department of Chemistry, University of Calabria (Italy)

2006-2008   Bachelor Degree in Chemistry (110/110 cum laude), Department of Chemistry, University of Calabria (Italy)


I pursue a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the relationship between chemical composition and complex supramolecular structures. I am focusing my research activity on the out-of-equilibrium phenomena of complex fluids. Moreover, my activity is devoted to understanding and designing materials for industrial applications. I am an associate professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. I also am a permanent member of the Center for Colloids and Surface Science (CSGI), Florence, Italy. I recently established a research group on rheological properties and structural analysis of stimuli-responsive complex fluids such as colloidal suspensions, polymers, self-assembled surfactant solutions, soil organic matter, and mineral particles. I am working actively on structural characterization of materials by scattering and spectroscopic techniques: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Infrared (FT-IR), small-angle X-ray, Neutron, and light scattering, and last but not least rheology. I am often acting as a reviewer for peer-reviewed scientific journals of ACS, RSC, and Elsevier.

I am pleased to be a member of the:

The European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS) - 

The Italian Chemical Society (SCI) - Physical Chemistry Division - 

The Italian Society of Neutronic Spectroscopy (SISN) - 

Member of the Scientific Organising Committee of the Italian Soft Days -

I am occasionally working as a consultant for companies to fix problems or to find innovative approaches and products. 

Email:; tel: +39 0805442033; Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, Via E. Orabona,4 - 70125 Bari (Italy)