My project, titled "Out-of-Equilibrium Bio-Based Polymeric Complex Fluids" - OutBioPoly, has been awarded a FIS Starting Grant of 880k€.
Grazie Fondo italiano per la Scienza
Keynote at ECIS 2023 on September 5th at 9:25 AM (Room Agave - Stazione Marittima - Napoli):
"Modulating surfactant bilayer thickness and bending rigidity"
A contrast variation SANS and SAXS study of soil derived dissolved organic matter, and its interactions with hematite nanoparticles
E. Andersson, V. Meklesh, L. Gentile , R. Schweins, O. Matsarskaia, A. Tunlid, P. Persson, U. Olsson
JCIS Open. 2023, 11, 100091
Out-of-equilibrium Soft Matter
Edited by Christina Kurzthaler; Luigi Gentile; Howard A Stone - RSC Publisher
Removal of Pollutants by Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles Combined with Brij L4 Self-Assembled Nanostructures
Lorenzo Veronico and Luigi Gentile*
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 1, 720–728
From October 2022: I will act as Director of Undergraduate and Graduate studies in Materials Science and Technology at the University of Bari
Graduated (International Course):
A novel X-ray diffraction approach to assess the crystallinity of regenerated cellulose fibers
International Union of Crystallography J., 9, 2022, 492-496
Upcoming talk at the ECIS 2022 on September 6
"Out-of-equilibrium multi-lamellar vesicles induced by shear flow"
Green Synthesis and Characterization of Antimicrobial Synergistic AgCl/BAC Nanocolloids
ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2022, XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXX
Ferrihydrite nanoparticles entrapped in shear-induced multilamellar vesicles
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 606, 2022, 1890-1896.
Gentile L. & Amin S. (2022). Rheology Primer for Nanoparticle Scientists. In Berti D. & Palazzo G. (Eds.), Colloidal Foundations of Nanoscience 2nd Edition – Amsterdam: Elsevier.
It is my pleasure to announce that the "Italian Soft Days 2022" will be held in Bari (Italy) on 29-30 September 2022.
I will act as a member of the organizing committee. More at
Anton Paar MCR302e (Oscillatory and rotational rheometer)
The cooling process effect on the bilayer phase state of the CTAC/cetearyl alcohol/water surfactant gel
Published (2020) on:
Upcoming talk at the ECIS 2021 on September 6, 2021
"Minerals-soil organic matter colloidal aggregates"
Upcoming keynote at the SCI 2021 on September 16
"Ecofriendly Isolation of Cellulose from buckwheat chaff"
I am always looking for motivated students for projects in my group.
Cellulose dissolution with respect to the source
Ferrihydrite particle stabilization
The cellulose-based membranes (and gels) as biomaterials for industries
Email:; tel: +39 0805442033; Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, Via E. Orabona,4 - 70125 Bari (Italy)
The complex interaction between cyclodextrin F127 and chitosan was revealed. Surprisingly, the cyclodextrin prevented thermogelation.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Volume 660, 15 April 2024, Pages 1030-1038
It is great to be in the SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE
of the SYNC 2024, so many young scientists.
My PhD student Alessia De Cataldo will also attend
Rome, June 24-28, 2024
It is a great honor to be a member of the National Committee of the Italian Soft Days Community and to present my latest updates on the CAmBio project.
Florence, 4-5 July 2024