Prof. Luigi Gentile, University of Bari, Italy

Research Topics:

My research focuses on the Experimental flow dynamics of complex fluids with particular attention to advanced applications

Stimuli-responsive materials;

Complex fluids for energy applications;

Rheochaos and shear-induced transitions;

Polymer-surfactant interactions;

Lyotropic liquid crystals;

Smart material for biological and pharmaceutical applications; 

Food colloids and food materials;

Cellulose dissolution.

Publication list:  Google Scholar - Research ID - ORCID iD

Complex fluids: structures, properties, and applications: News

My project, titled "Out-of-Equilibrium Bio-Based Polymeric Complex Fluids" - OutBioPoly, has been awarded a FIS Starting Grant of 880k€.

Grazie Fondo italiano per la Scienza

Keynote at ECIS 2023 on September 5th at 9:25 AM (Room Agave - Stazione Marittima - Napoli)

"Modulating surfactant bilayer thickness and bending rigidity" 

A contrast variation SANS and SAXS study of soil derived dissolved organic matter, and its interactions with hematite nanoparticles

E. Andersson, V. Meklesh, L. Gentile , R. Schweins, O. Matsarskaia, A. Tunlid, P. Persson, U. Olsson 

JCIS Open. 2023, 11, 100091 

Out-of-equilibrium Soft Matter 

Edited by Christina Kurzthaler; Luigi Gentile; Howard A Stone - RSC Publisher

Removal of Pollutants by Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles Combined with Brij L4 Self-Assembled Nanostructures

Lorenzo Veronico and Luigi Gentile*

ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023, 6, 1, 720–728 

From October 2022:  I will act as Director of Undergraduate and Graduate studies in Materials Science and Technology at the University of Bari


Graduated (International Course): 

Email:; tel: +39 0805442033; Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, Via E. Orabona,4 - 70125 Bari (Italy)