Welcome Letter/FAQs

Dear Panther Families,

Welcome to Lincoln Middle School! I am your student’s science and STEM teacher, Mrs. Ludka. Given the very unusual situation we are all in right now, I think that good communication is especially essential this year. PLEASE reach out to me anytime via email (colleen.ludka@oside.us) with questions you have OR we can also schedule a 1:1 Facetime call, Zoom meeting, or regular phone call. I am here to help! I am so excited to get to know and work with your student. It is a privilege to teach science to young people and I do not take it for granted! I’ve put together some answers to questions you may have so take a look at them. Feel free to email me with any follow up questions.

What does my student need for this class?

Access to a computer or chromebook or computer (our school should be providing these), WiFi (the district can help with this if you need help), a notebook (composition books work well) and a pencil or pen.

Who do I contact for help with technical/computer/login issues?

You can email me and our tech support helpline:

Hours: 7:30-4:30 weekdays

English: (760) 966-4444

Spanish: (760) 966-4443

What online websites or platforms will the class be using?

ALL classes will use Google Classroom. To get to Google Classroom your student will need to go to https://portal.oside.us/ and login. The login is your student’s ID number and your student should know his/her password. Both the tech help desk (see contact info above) and I can help your student reset their password.

Once your student is logged into the “OUSD Portal” they will see a number of applications/programs there. Your student will need to check their Gmail and Google classrooms (one for each class) every weekday. We will also be using Amplify (it’s our science curriculum), and Google Drive.

When will live virtual instruction happen? What platform will it be on and how will my student know how to get there?

Live instruction will happen at the beginning of each period. See the schedule below. It will occur on Zoom or Google Meet. Your student’s teachers will be sending out the codes and passwords that are needed before day one of school. The office will also have a list with this information for each teacher. Email me anytime to get the code/password for my class meetings.


How will attendance be taken?

Students will be counted as present for a class period when they show up to their live classes. For classes using Zoom, students are required to enter their first and last name correctly when they join. For both Zoom and Google sessions your student will need to have their cameras on during the first 10 minutes of class, at least.

Parents/guardians will need to call our attendance line to clear absences Call: 760-901-8901 OR Email: attendance.lms@oside.us

What is the grading policy?

Assignments will be given out on Google Classroom each week and count for 30% of a student’s grade in our class.. Assessments will occur less frequently but will be counted for 70% of your student’s science or STEM grade. Grades will be updated in Aries at the end of each week.

Where can I find my student’s current grade in science and STEM class?

I will typically update grades in Aries by Friday of each week. Grades are also located in Google Classroom under the “Grades” tab.

What should I do if my child cannot attend a live class?

Please send me an email. This will not necessarily “excuse” the absence officially with the attendance clerk but it will be helpful if I know what’s happening with your student. Any work that is graded will be posted on our Google Classroom by date. Parents/guardians will need to call our attendance line to clear absences Call: 760-901-8901 OR Email: attendance.lms@oside.us

What can we do if my student needs additional help?
I have drop in office hours on zoom (it'll be the same meeting code and password as your student's regular class) from 1:10-1:30 daily (except Wednesday) and can meet after that time as well with an appointment. Email me to let me know what your needs are: colleen.ludka@oside.us. Students can also send me private comments on each assignment and can put their questions there.

What are the topics in 6th grade science?

Cells and the scale of things, systems including the human body systems, traits and reproduction, thermal energy, oceans, atmosphere, weather, climate, and human impact on the environment.

How do students learn about these topics?

We use a program called “Amplify” which is an NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) aligned curriculum. We begin each unit with a “phenomena” (defined as observable events that occur in the universe and that we can use our evidence and reasoning to explain or predict). Throughout the Amplify Science California curriculum, students actively share and discuss evidence and work together to determine what claim the evidence supports. As they collaborate and engage in debate, they are practicing vital aspects of constructing explanations and argumentation, such as:

  • Deeply understanding evidence

  • Working with others to understand the meaning of evidence

  • Convincing others that their claim is the most sound

  • Providing logical reasoning to support their claims