Teaching Experience

In her time with Aves Compartidas through the Environmental Leadership Program, Lucy gained experience in curriculum design, teaching, and Environmental Education that she will carry with her into her future classrooms. In collaboration with a team of 9 peers and 2 community partners, along with her professor Dr. Katie Lynch and project manager Katie Russell, her team designed and implemented a 7 week bilingual Environmental Education curriculum focused on migratory birds. Lessons were aimed at engaging students with the natural environment to encourage critical thinking, observation, and scientific questioning, while building a deeper connection to the places they call home and of their positionality within our multicultural world.

Featured Lesson Plans

Grade 3 Week 1_ ¿En qué parte del mundo estamos_.docx (1).pdf
Grade 3 Week 5_ ¿Qué es un habitat_ What is a Habitat_.docx (1).pdf

Aves Compartidas 3rd Grade:
