Megan Hildebrand

Artistic Director/Founder

Acting CV Production CV

We have all heard the names: Miller, Faulkner, Wilde, Williams...playwrights with brilliant characters who are strong, complex and passionate. We have all been in “the moment” when a character comes downstage to confess their innermost thoughts in the spotlight. Intimate, exposed, or simply sharing who they are and what makes them tick. With each exposed layer, YOU, the audience, make a choice. You either decide to follow the journey or disconnect. That’s why I’m here. To get you to “buy in," “follow my character,” and start your artistic journey. Now, I could tell you about my Bachelor of Arts degree in Performance and Directing from Clemson University; I could tell you about my professional experience - both domestically and internationally; How I partnered with a non profit theatre collective in Ireland and about my national and international Fringe festival involvements; I could spit out my resume including credits from stage, film and television; I could tell you about how I have been an advocate for theatre therapy and the special needs community… but, my goodness how many times can someone sing “Let IT GO” from Frozen?! YAWN! “Glitter and unicorns” – you don't need another Artistic Director offering smoke and mirrors. What I need to do, without fail, is tell you, “the audience,” the community, how I am going to meet your needs. How I am going to rise up and leverage the experiences and demands that I have seen in Chicago, New York, Atlanta, and worldwide regarding the end game: the community needs an all inclusive, professional theatre to call their own. The community needs Luckenbooth.

Everyone needs a creative outlet, especially in our current world. Our youth are so distracted by technology and violence - violence against women, special needs individuals and the LGBT community are at a constant rise and the arts are being cut?! The arts which teach compassion, love, understanding, sensitivity, gentleness...not to mention, language, history, science and math. Life lessons are being neglected. Everyone, but especially our youth, need a place where they can learn how to express themselves, gain confidence and PLAY - otherwise, they will continue to repress their emotions, inflict self harm and become hardened. None of us are born to hate - it is taught to us. The arts are an important and intricate part of our community and our lives. I understand what is at stake and I know you do too. We need to take a stand and prove the importance of the arts to the community and to educators and I am ready to be at the forefront of that movement. We now have a prime location in the Fort Worth Design District - a light for the community. It's up to us how much of an impact we want to make and, let me tell you, I was never one to dream small. As an advocate for the arts, the deaf community, special needs children, the elderly and the abused will always be included in Luckenbooth programming.

I’m Megan Hildebrand. The Artistic Director and Founder of Luckenbooth Theatre, an Actor, a Director, a Playwright, a Teaching Artist and an Advocate for the Arts. If you’re looking for a leader, a mentor, a collaborator, or, simply, a friend that is passionate about the arts then I personally invite you to be a part of our Luckenbooth family. Now that we have planted our roots, we will only strive to continue to grow what we have already started. I am always open and welcome to new and creative ideas, so stop by or reach out to me via email! I look forward to seeing YOU at the theatre.