Change Log
Version 1.3 (In Progress)
Lucent Tutorial will be relocating to GitHub Pages! That means a complete site overhaul, cleaning and rewriting articles, as well as various quality of life updates. (now discontinued indefinitely)
New domain for Lucent Tutorial revamp.
The link on the frontpage of the sequencer will redirect to (not yet).
The legacy website (current) will remain at with a redirect link to the new site.
New Landing Page
Site Manual—An extensive manual of how to use features on the sequencer UI.
Newcomer's Guide—An ordered list that progressively builds sequencing skills.
Tutorials by Category—The original layout of the Lucent Tutorial.
Sequence thumbnails will be replaced by a direct embed of the sequencer.
Existing songs used as an example will be abridged to reduce processing burden.
Transferring Tutorials
A select few tutorials will be transferred to the new site to test the new template.
After this, Lucent Lecture tutorials will take precedence in new site content.
Other tutorials will be redirected back to the legacy site for the time being.
Removed Contact page and subpages.
To-Do List for v1.3
Percussion Lecture
Chord Voicing and Instrumentation Lecture
Sound Design Lecture
Site Navigation Lecture (?)
Side Chaining and Forced Audio Breaks (Advanced)
How to use the site (?)
Advanced Effects using Markers
setDetune(instrument, value)
Detune to change timbre of instrument?
let s = new Set(); let t = new Set(); for (const n of selection.notes) { let k = n.toString(0); if (t.has(k)) { s.add(n); } else { t.add(k); }}; selectNotesIf(n => s.has(n) );
Version 1.2 (November 8, 2021)
This update introduces Lecture Block and OS features past November 2020. Updated information over certain articles due to the extensive number of updates. Content for Lecture Block has not been fully introduced in this update, but will appear in v1.3.
Updated older articles with more up-to-date information.
Basic Techniques
Note Stacking—Details concerning Alt+Scroll
Pseudo-sustaining—Using more efficient method via Ctrl+Click and Ctrl+Alt+C
Using Unlisted Instruments—Script is now up-to-date and supports Advanced tab
Using 8-Bit Instruments—Add a random link to EQ article, detune information
Piano Texturing—Test information concerning Secret Piano and Individual Note Volume
Advanced Techniques
Console Basics—Note Stretch/Compression Function, Fade In/Out Function
Advanced Grid Techniques—Updated frequency formula to grid=hz/(1/15)/BPM, added pcmRiser section
Changed console functions audioSystem.setInstrumentVolume to setInitialInstrumentVolume to be functional post-marker update
List of Sequencer Shortcuts—Added new shortcuts and loop section video.
List of Instrument Values—Added Secret Piano and 909 Drum Kit.
Added the new Electric Piano, changed titles for pianos respectively due to new update. (11/8/2021)
Sequencer Troubleshooting—Added new troubleshooting methods.
Added new pages.
Basic Techniques
Automation with Markers
Additional update in regards to Marker Refactor Update
Lecture Block
Lucent Lecture
Artist Forum
Vladimirr's Sound Effects Symposium
Advanced Techniques
Improving Sequence Clarity with EQ and Panning (Moved to Basic Techniques)
Vocal Synthesis Using Sine
Updated existing articles' images to match the current sequencer UI.
Added Lucent Tutorial Speed Notes to quickly inform over new updates.
Also deleted Lucent Tutorial Speed Notes to be replaced by Site Manual.
Added Site Manual for going over the entire site in-depth.
Added Twitter to the homepage.
Fixed Robo's link on the homepage.
Archived certain pages.
Version 1.1 (January 1, 2021)
This update is to tie up loose ends originally planned for v1.0.
Continuing to migrate items from the Google Doc.
Advanced Techniques
Advanced Grid Techniques
Vocal Synthesis Using Percussion
Updated Console Basics (11/22/20)
Continuing to write up new techniques.
Basic Techniques
Piano Texturing
Note Rippling (found in Note Stacking)
Basic Sound Effects
Deleted Basic Sound Effects to finalize update.
Added new pages.
Cringe's Experimental OS (under References)
Launching community translation project.
Content will be pasted into separate word documents and formatted so that it is easy to translate.
I'll start up a spreadsheet to access these translation templates.
Mirror version of the site will be created once enough translations for one language are received.
Integrated Google Analytics support for the site.
Integrated Disqus support for the site.
Made the comment embed extend to the bottom of the page so that it's more comfortable to read. (9/27/20)
Finalized homepage formatting.
Added a bunch of dividers throughout the site.
Added To-Do List on the right side of the Version updates.
You can now see what's left of the update as it's being worked on!
Replaced a few words across articles for consistency.
OS does not have velocity. You are technically changing individual note volume and altering a sequence's dynamics. (12/24/20)
1.2 Update Details
Lecture Block
Lucent Lecture — New tutorial category geared towards teaching more composition-related techniques. Since I'm being direct about my process, these tutorials will be more stylized than other articles that exist on the site.
Artist Forum — Helpful articles written by veteran users on OS. If you have something you'd like to share on Lucent Guide, please feel free to contact me on Discord and I can help format an article for you on the site.
Theory Collection
Sub-category under Resources. I can't teach theory, but I still want to compile good articles and videos for future reference and the convenience of others.
Likely discontinued until further notice.
Version 1.0 (August 24, 2020)
First public release of Lucent Guide!
Migrated priority items from the original Google Doc.
Basic Techniques
Note Stacking
Using Unlisted Instruments
Using 8-bit Instruments
Advanced Techniques
Console Basics
List of Sequencer Shortcuts
List of Instrument Values
Sequencer Troubleshooting
Added Request and About page.
Other Notes:
I've been writing guides for OS since February 12, 2017.
Original Google Doc was created March 28, 2020.
Site was published August 11, 2020.
Legacy Articles
For articles that are completely obsolete on the site.
Using Unlisted Instruments (discontinued v1.1)
Vocal Synthesis Using Percussion (discontinued v1.2 until further notice)