Luca Patelli

Hello there!

My name is Luca Patelli and since October 2021 I am a PhD Candidate (Applied Economics and Management XXXVII Cohort; Field: Statistics) at the University of Pavia.  I am currently working on machine and statistical learning topics such as the application of Random Forest in the spatial framework and the relative explainability issues. My main areas of interest are the environment and the socio-economic dimension.

The idea of doing a Ph.D. came from the positive experience of having done an internship at Istat during my Master in Economics & Data Analysis, which I obtained in spring 2021 with the European Master in Official Statistics, both at the University of Bergamo.

The passion for statistics and its application was born during the undergraduate degree in Economics, which I completed in 2018 at the University of Bergamo.

Current Research Interest: Statistical Learning, spatio-temporal statistics, economic and environmental dimensions.

Additional Research Interests: composite indexes, sustainability, Social Network Analysis.


PHD and research activities:

UNIBG activities: