PhD in applied economics and management (field: statistics) - XXXVII cycle

University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy -  University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Department of Economics and Management (Pavia)
Interests: Statistical Learning, spatio-temporal methods, economic and environmental dimensions
Tutor and Supervisor: Prof. Michela Cameletti
Official webpage of the PhD Course:
Defense expected: spring 2025

M.Sc. Degree in Economics & Data Analysis (LM-56)
& European Master in Official Statistics

University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (DSAEMQ)
Final grade: 110/110 cum laude
Defense: 15th April 2021
Supervisors: Prof. Annamaria Bianchi, Prof. Silvia Biffignandi, Prof. Matteo Mazziotta & Prof. Antonella Bernardini
Dissertation: Measuring sustainability in enterprises: a regional composite index

B.Sc. Degree in Economics (L-33) 

University of Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (DSAEMQ)
Final grade: 98/110
Defense: 22nd October 2018
Supervisor: Prof. Stefano Lucarelli
Dissertation: La Borsa Italiana nel periodo 1990-1994: una network analyisis. 


Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

Period: 7 february - 7  april 2023
Supervisor: Prof Xavier Barber Vallés
Topic: Machine Learning, Spatio-Temporal dimension, Interpretation.


A.Y. 2023-2024:
- Teaching Assistant of AI and Machine Learning for Finance (Department of Economics) - Collaboration contract (University of Bergamo) 

A.Y. 2022 - 2023:
- Teaching Assistant of Economic Policy (Department of Economics) - Cultore della materia and Collaboration contract (University of Bergamo)

A.Y. 2021 - 2022:
- Teaching Assistant of Economic Policy (Department of Economics) - Cultore della materia and Collaboration contract (University of Bergamo)
- Teaching Assistant of Statistics (Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences) - Collaboration contract (University of Bergamo)

A.Y. 2020 - 2021:
- Teaching Assistant of Economic Policy (Department of Economics) - Cultore della materia (University of Bergamo)
- Teaching Assistant of Statistics I (Department of Economics) - Collaboration contract (University of Bergamo) 


-  Lecturer of "Introduzione a R e RStudio" (Introduction to R and RStudio) and "Data Mapping" for the high education course Data Analyst per Decisioni Strategiche (DADS; Data Analyst for strategic decisions) - webpage (02/2024 - p. for 10 hours)

- Construction and Analysis of Datasets (07-09/2021) - Collaboration contract (University of Bergamo)

- Laboratorio "Statistical Learning" (sep 2023): lecturer of the "Statistical Learning" laboratory at the summer school of "Matematica e Intelligenza artificiale: modelli e algoritmi per le macchine che apprendono" (Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence: models and algorithms for machine learners) - webpage

- Laboratorio matematico (mathematical laboratory; dec 2021 - feb 2022):  mathematics-related support activities for students enrolled in the first year of economics and management


- Best Poster at GRASPA Palermo 2023 (link)

- revision of the function ci_ampi contained in the R package Compind for the construction of Composite Indicators.

- Italian: mother tongue;
- English: B2 level;
- Spanish: B2 level.