Academic Resources

Important Announcements

Please click here for the 2019-2020 Curriculum & Assessment Plan

Please click here for the 2019-2020 Professional Development Plan

Phsyical Education


Visually Impaired

Special Education

The information below is from the old LSDVI intranet

(Links/Resources for LSDVI Teachers)

Eventbrite (register for workshops, meetings and training sessions provided by the Louisiana Department of Education)

IMPORTANT: Many of the resources listed on this page are for LSD/LSVI use only. Please do not share any login information or passwords with persons who are not teachers or students at LSD/LSVI. Our schools pay subscription fees for many of these resources. The licensing agreements with these vendors stipulate that the resources are to be used by/for LSDVI students and faculty ONLY.

PARCC Educator Resources


Copy this URL into the Address Line of the Chrome browser:

Links and Resources Applicable/Accessible to both LSD and LSVI:

  1. Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP)
  2. DISCOVERY Education and PBS Learning Media site
  3. (This resource was formerly called the LPB CyberChannel or Unitedstreaming.) To set up a new account, use the passcode AFB2-FB28 to create one. If you have forgotten your username/password, leave the fields blank, click the Log In button and you will then see a "Forgot username/password" link.
  4. Enchanted Learning (username: lsdvi; password: "eagle1")
  5. Louisiana Department of Education website
  6. Louisiana PASS (LEAP practice)
  7. NetTrekker / BrainPOP NOTE: To set up a new account, the registration code is 24JBG1
  8. Renaissance Place Professional Development site
  9. SAFARI Montage
  10. SMARTBoard Resources:
  11. SMART Exchange:
  12. Super Teacher Worksheets: (username: lsdvi; password: teacherlsdvi)
  13. Thinkfinity:

Links/Resources for LSD Teachers

IMPORTANT: Many of the resources listed on this page are for our use only. Please do not share any login information or passwords with persons who are not teachers or students at LSD/LSVI. Our schools pay subscription fees for many of these resources. The licensing agreements with these vendors stipulate that the resources are to be used by/for LSD/LSVI students and faculty ONLY.

Links and Resources Applicable / Accessible specifically to LSD:

  1. LSD's Staff Handbook
  2. LSD's Renaissance Place Home Site (student login is usually first initial + first 4 letters of last name; password = student's initials)
  3. Websites of other schools for the Deaf
  4. World Book Online: To access while on campus, simply click the link ( If you are off campus or not connected to the school network, you will need to enter a username and password: username is lsdworldbook; password is eagle1
  5. Gallaudet University website
  6. Detailed Unit Plan Template

Links/Resources for LSVI Teachers

Below are links to resources/websites applicable/available specifically to LSVI teachers.

  1. World Book Online: To access while on campus, simply click the link ( If you are not connected to the LSVI network, you will need to enter the username lsviworldbook and password trojans1.
  2. Helen Keller Services for the Blind
  3. National Library Service for the Blind (provided by the Library of Congress)
  4. Perkins Institute for the Blind - click on the Teacher Resources tab for a wealth of information, including webcasts, continuing education and tutorials.
  5. Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired website

OnCourse Materials & Resources

Here are links to documents, webinars, tutorials and websites providing help and support for Oncourse users.

Here is the link to the OnCourse system:

Administrators, OnCourse has "gone mobile," making it easy to view lesson plans from your smartphone or tablet (iPad). Here is the link to the OnCourse Mobile site:

To log in to OnCourse:

  • Username: your e-mail address
  • Password for first-time users: oncourse
  • If you are locked out, forget your password, or have other issues or questions: submit a Helpdesk ticket.

OnCourse provides an excellent online resource called the Oncourse Learning Center. In the OnCourse Learning Center, click on the Knowledge Base to access a variety of materials that will help you become an expert at using OnCourse. Below are links to some of the resources found in the Knowledge Base.

Webinars: (these are NOT captioned)

How-To Videos:

Various "Help" Documents: