Teacher Shortage

There has been a stark decrease in the number of college students entering the field of education. The NJ Policy Perspective quotes that ten years ago 5,000 students were seeking education degrees. The number is now roughly 3,000.  Teacher shortages are severe in math, science, bilingual education and special education.   Little Silver remains as a competitive employer, however the effects of these shortages has certainly been felt.  Please refer to this page for updates about the teacher shortage, and legislation we can support as a community. 

Legislative Update! (May 7, 2024)   Bill S2181  have been in discussion for over a year, but have yet to receive final approval.  The discussion has become current again, and we can be part of it.  The NJEA and NJSBA both support these bills,  as they lift the requirement for teachers to live in the state of NJ for at least the next three years.  Supporters feel this will help alleviate the teacher shortage especially in parts of the state that border PA and NY.  Opponents are concerned about out of state residents receiving NJ state pension benefits, and also may still be supporting Gov. Christie's "Put NJ First" act from 2011 which enacted the rule originally.   If you support lifting the requirement for NJ teachers to live in the state of NJ, now is the time to let your legislators know!  Here is the contact information you need!