Direct Action

Future Goals for Action

The Laudato Si Circle - South Philly works toward prayerful action to be a prophetic voice in our community to stop the worst impacts of climate change. As we begin this journey, we want to provide space for prayerful reflection and community conversations to decide together the best ways to take direct action. Ideas may include:

  • Litter clean up in our neighborhoods

  • Urging disinvestment from fossil fuel industry in various organizations, including the Church

  • Partnering with area organizations to promote greening projects

If you have other ideas, please bring them to our next meeting or email

Click here or below to sign The Catholic Petition, which asks:

  • Tackle the climate emergency and biodiversity crisis together

  • Limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and promise no more biodiversity loss

  • Ensure equitable global action, including support for those most affected

  • Protect and respect human rights, including the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in climate and biodiversity action