Organizer | 主辦機構

Funded by | 捐助機構


根據個人資料(私隱)條例 (下稱「條例」),由基督教香港信義會社會服務部主辨的生活再動計劃:賽馬會居家安老新里程(下稱「生活再動計劃」) 及關於本計劃的應用程式,包括:生活再動(長者版)生活再動(護老者版)愛動腦喜動點均採用以下政策,以確保個人資料的處理合乎條例的要求。閣下提供有關個人資料予本計劃前,請先細閱本文。  




















1.               其他涉及評估你的服務申請或向你提供服務的有關方面,例如政府部門、非政府機構、公用事業公司; 

2.               你同意向其披露資料的人士、機構;或 

3.               由法律授權或指定向其披露資料的有關方面。 



除個人資料 (私隱) 條例規定的豁免外,閣下有權要求查閱及改正生活再動計劃所存有關你個人資料。請填妥以下申請表,並以電郵 ( 或郵寄(九龍窩打老道50A信義樓一字)方式送交生活再動計劃經理。







我們保留隨時修改我們的隱私政策的權利。 如果在網站上發布,更改和/或澄清將立即生效。 如果我們對政策進行重大變更,我們將通知閣下更新情況。 請不時查看隱私政策,看看是否有任何更改會影響您使用本網站或選擇加入或退出使用您的信息的決定。

Privacy policy

In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as “the Ordinance”), Lifestyle Reactivation Project: Jockey Club Smart Homecare Solution (hereinafter referred to as “this Project”) and related applications which including: LR(Elderly), LR(Caregiver), BrainUp and MoveUp organized by Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong adopts the following policies to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Ordinance in handling personal information. Please read the following message carefully before providing personal data to the Project.

Purpose of Collecting Personal Data

The Project collects personal data by lawful and fair means, and that the data collected is adequate but not excessive for the purposes. Provision of personal data to this Project` is on voluntary basis. The personal data collected will be used only for the legal purposes related to the services and activities provided by the Project. However, if you do not provide sufficient personal data, the Project may not be able to process your application or provide service to you. Please ensure the information you provided is accurate and inform this Project of any data amendments.

The Collection of Health Data

The Project collect your health data (e.g.  blood pressure, heartbeat, blood oxygen, blood sugar, body temperature, weight, number of steps, sleep hours and quality, etc.) aims to facilitate management of your own health and enhance the access to your health records. You may upload or input your health data on voluntary basis. These information will be shared with your caregivers and relevant staff.


Data Accuracy

The Project will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the personal data collected or retained are accurate.

Data Retention

The Project maintains and executes retention policies of records containing personal data to ensure personal data is not kept longer than is necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose for which the data is or is to be used.

Data Security

The Project will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that personal data are protected against loss, unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

Access of Personal Data

The personal data you provided will be made available only to the related staff of this Project. Staff may disclose your personal data on a need-to-know basis and only in the circumstances listed below:

1.                 Other parties involved in assessment of the application or provision of the service, such as government departments, non-government organizations and public utility companies;

2.                 The persons or organizations you have given consent to such disclosure; or

3.                 Where such disclosure is authorized or required by law.

The Project will not sell, rent or transmit any personal data collected to other organization.

Query and Correction of Personal Data

Apart from the exemptions provided under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you are entitled to access and correct your personal data held by the Project. To apply, please complete the application form below and return it to LR Project Manager by email ( or by post (1/F, Lutheran Building, 50A Waterloo Road, Kowloon). 

Download the application form for personal data query

Download the application form for personal data change

Should you have any enquiries concerning the personal data collection, including access to and correction of the data, please contact the LR Project Manager via the above contact and email address. 

Changes to Policy

We reserve the right to modify our privacy policy at any time. Changes and/or clarifications will take immediate effect if posted on the website. If we make material changes to the policy, we will notify you of the update. Please check the Privacy Policy from time to time to see whether there have been any changes that would affect your decision to use the Site or to opt in or opt out of uses of your information.


