Park of the Lower Olona river

Plis means “Parco locale di interesse sovracomunale,” it is known also as “Park of the lower Olona” because in this territory the Olona river flows. The park extends over 268 hectares in the cities of Rho, Pregnana, Pogliano and Vanzago.

Walking through its paths you can see the ruins of two old water mills, an old farmhouse, some picnic areas, and the Villa Scheibler”.

Besides the multitude of animals, the park features beautiful meadows, woods, wheat fields, tree-lined avenues and an artificial canal, that drains the excess water of the Olona river.  

Another thing to know about the Lower Olona Park is that it was founded to function as a wildlife corridor connecting the green areas surrounding the city of Milan from NorthEast to NorthWest.  

Plis is very beautiful, and it is nice to walk in every season of the year: in winter you can admire beautiful sunsets, in autumn the trees take on bright and beautiful colours, in spring the fields are full of flowers and finally in summer you can go cycling along the paths enjoying the beauty of its nature.