A Coincidence

“Mercutio, is that you? What are you doing here?”

“Romeo, I have something to tell you...”

Before we get to that part of the story, let’s jump back to the beginning...

It was October 1st at Verona High which meant only one thing…everyone was getting ready for the notorious Halloween dance that the Montagues host each year. Everybody who was anybody would be at this dance. The students had begun looking for their dates and most had found them except for one guy, the Montagues' son, Romeo. Romeo was the high school’s football captain and star student. He had all the girls at his heels but hadn’t found one he honestly liked. His friends, Benvolio and Mercutio, would always make fun of him saying things like,

“Romeo, are you sure you like girls?”

Romeo would just shake his head and walk away from them knowing they didn’t know any better.

One day Romeo saw Mercutio and Benvolio sitting smiling and talking about something that was on their phone.

“What are you guys up to?”

“Checking this new app out called Humble. Have you heard about it?” explained Mercutio.

“He probably hasn’t. Have you seen the way he reacts when girls even walk up to him? He runs away”, said Benvolio.

“Shut up, Ben! It’s not that I don’t like girls. It’s just I want to find the right one to spend my life with” explained Romeo.

“Why don’t you try out Humble then?” suggested Mercutio. “You might find somebody you like.”

Romeo then went on his phone at that moment and downloaded the app and to his surprise he matched instantly with this girl named Juliet! Her bio said she also went to Verona High and she liked a lot of the things that Romeo did. Romeo then went out on limb and decided to message her.

“Hey hey!” he said and to his surprise he got an immediate response of “Hi! "

Romeo and Juliet continued to talk for weeks. Juliet always talked about meeting up but could never give Romeo an actual time or place. So, Romeo came up with the idea of them meeting for the first time at the school Halloween dance in two days.

“Soooo would you want to go to the dance with me Friday?”

“Idk about that, I could meet you there but only on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“We both have to wear masks and meet at the fountain at midnight.”

“Deal!” exclaimed Romeo excited that Juliet finally agreed to meet him.

The day had came and Romeo arrived to the dance just as he had promised, with mask and all. He searched the whole dance floor looking for Juliet and did not see her. The clock struck twelve and he remembered that he was supposed to meet her at the fountain. Romeo ran out the dance to the fountain and when he arrived he was surprised.

“Mercutio, is that you? What are you doing here?”

“Romeo, I have something to tell you. I am Juliet, your love!”

Romeo staggered back in awe. “What?!?”

“I am who you have been talking to this whole time. We are a perfect match! I have always liked you and when Benvolio was saying that stuff about you I saw that as my chance! I figured the app would be the best way to talk to you. I love you!”

“NO! I don’t like you Mercutio. I was hoping you were you, Juliet! I can’t believe this!” said Romeo as he turned around and stormed away. As Romeo was walking back into the dance, he bumped into a girl. When he turned around he realized it was the girl from Humble. It was Juliet! She was real!



“Are you Juliet?”

“Yes, and you are?

“R-r-romeo. Would you like to dance?”

“Sure”, Juliet giggled.

The two of them went and danced the night away and Romeo found that she was the perfect girl. They both enjoyed the rest of the night.