SEO hero mobile

How to create a SEO hero page ?

When you are in devellopment phase, you will ask how to do better webpage to rank on mobile. Yes, google has annouced the switch between desktop index to google mobile first index. What will it mean for you ?

Mobile first SEO optimisation

When you're working on desktop webpage, you have plenty spaces, so marketing tell you, we want to have a oneclick conversion, all product we have must be at one click to contact, but we want to sell all our catalog. So you have a lot of caroussels, then design block, then caroussels, then block. If you are a customer, you come from google, and there's a lot of content, but there's nothing that attract you more than other things.

When you think mobile first as a designer, you must have in your head, how the user will interact. Are you focus on what you want your user do as a first action. Do you want him to call you, to add a product to cart, or to read more about your services ?

You must tell him what's the menu like in restaurant. In the menu there will have links but what a customer dislike is to be forced to click on checkout without knowing what he will buy.

Once you have your topic and what to focus on, you will create your webpage with seo in mind.

Google mobile first index love fast webpage. So I will create a Grade A 100% webpage and it will be very happy if it's one of the most great criteria he have to rank website.

Googl mobile first index love secure webpage. So my domain name will have https.

Google mobile first index love to have html5 structuration. So the webpage will have HTML5 markup.

Google mobile first index love to know what language you are talking. So i tell him It's english language.

SEO hero