French Seo Heroes

SEO hero in France

Ok, There's a lot of SEO hero in the US I will talk about, and I have great respect to people on seroundtable, searchengineland, stonetemple, bill slawki,eric enge, aleyda, but now I want to talk about french SEO hero because our community is not as large than the US

France is very small in the world, it’s also a niche because language limitation. Sorry for my bad english, and I’m not the only one here. But we have creative ideas and I guess creative solutions. Probably no-one know us, perhaps laurent bourelly who was judge at the search engine awards and his method « cocon sémantique » we will talk about later. Let me talk about the french SEO scene.

Yesterday there was an event at Toulouse : Seo Dawa Day. Don’t try to translate in english we don’t know the meaning in french. I will talk about a french event SEODawaday, it was yesterday event and was in trending topics on twitter in France

SEO Hero at SEO Dawa Day

It was organized by @Gdtsb Sandrine BERTRAND a French SEO Hero girl and @Djibou_team David DEPIERRIS a french Seo hero senior.

Why this event ? because the love of SEO, but probably because we need to talk more about people and not big agency that do SEO and how we can improve our skills.

In France, all events begin with before apero party, after apero party, then dodo, then hard wake-up, then run to the event with coffee.

What a good SEO keyword is ?

Jean François LOUP (Wolf) a SEO HERO from Montpellier and Romain bellet (belet) from yooda (who produce yooda insight a tool to find keywords and track keyword, yes like semrush) talk about how to find the right keyword for the good user intent. User search is informational, transactionnal, so we need to find how he formulate is query : how, why, where, for what, and he draw a typology of intent. How is far the most search expression query.

In France we love love. Top questions is : how to make love (72K), then how to do a diet (33,1k), how to draw (22,2k), how to pirate a facebook account (22,2k)??? how to lose belly (22,2k) -> topic : sex, relationship, loose weight

Top transactionnal intent keywords for SEO

16M Product + discount

14M Price + product

2,3M purchase + product

2M Buy

Seo hero