
Loving is what we do, by liking things or people and their actions.

Loving is when we tell someone how much we appreciate them, how happy we are to know them.

Loving is also about 2 people, falling in love, building a relationship. Being a family, best friends.

Supporting eachother with love, means not only to listen to someone, but also to understand the person with empathy and respect. Saying positive words and empowering the person you love makes life worth living.

Hear eachothers stories, listen to eachothers wishes. Tell why you love the other person.

Loving is also about loving yourself. Knowing you are important and valuable because you are you.

Your choices can only come from love if you live with your heart and follow your own dreams and wishes.

But loving someone else is about knowing eachothers wishes and dreams and trying to help to make it possible.

Loving is also about space and time, the things we love because we have the space and time for it.

The time that is given to us now, that is worth more than gold, it is true love and life.

Loving life means helping other people, but also animals. Protecting the earth and all that lives on it.