
Helping is a thing you do, because someone needs it. Your support. Your words might be enough to help someone through the day. Think about the people near you and see who needs help.

Helping is about asking : Can i help you?

Because helping is only something you should do if it is appreciated.

Sometimes people are so far in need, they can't even scream or shout for help.

These people need help and you can give it. Or you can find someone else who truly can give the help needed.

Thinking about emergency or anything that is out of your comfort-zone. These moments are always better if someone is there for you to help.

Help someone and it might be that a person might help you back or pass it forward and finds someone to help you to fulfill your dreams and wishes.

Anyone can create a bucketlist, things to do notes or write and type an agenda. But sometimes it can be difficult or impossible to solve your personal problems. This is the moment you want to ask for help but can't or don't know who to ask for.

HELPLOVCAR want to reachout between people with creating a system that connects people and helps them to communicate better and more social supportive. The tools we want to create need to be tools that can truly help and support people. This is a mission we want to live and provide daily - world wide. For everyone.