Loss Prevention



Standalone Loss Prevention Systems

Standalone Loss Prevention System is an autonomous solution designed to prevent theft, unauthorized movement and other losses of goods and assets. The system has an adjustable reading range. The system can works completely autonomously (stand-alone) without using a controller or computer. It does not require any controllers because each antenna-reader has built-in memory. The antenna-reader connects to power outlet 110/220V, just plug-in-play. This loss prevention system is equipped with a flash-light alarm, the sound volume is adjustable. Our loss prevention system uses RFID technology, so false triggers are impossible.
- Antenna-reader RFID UHF, long range - 1 pc.
- Power supply - 1 pc.,
- Mounting bracket - 1 pc.,
- Built-in relay - 1 pc.
- Alarm flash-light - 1 pc.
The system must be installed on top of the entrance. A hidden installation above the ceiling coating is also possible. The height of installation is not more than 10ft / 3m.  If you need to place systems higher than 10ft / 3m, contact us for a custom-made solution, we have other systems for this. The equipment is delivered tuned and fully ready for operation.

Make sure any tags from other manufacturers you are using for this system are properly programmed.

If you want as an additional option, you can connect the antenna-reader to our Loss Prevention Software for computer (TCP/IP communication) and get computer alert and inventory system.
4G, WiFi optional.

Installation Guide

Loss Prevention Systemwidth of the aisle up to 7ft / 2m
Deactivatorreading up to 16inch / 13cm$129.00
Loss Prevention Labels, Stickers1.73" * 0.71"
Loss Prevention Textile Tagsreading up to 2.95" * 0.59"$0.49
Loss Prevention Hard Tags(reusable) 2.72" * 1.22"  ø0.91
Detacher, Tag remover2.70" * 1.42"$35.00

Settings and Adjustments of the Loss Prevention Systems

You can independently configure and change the configurations of each reader: 

These loss prevention systems are resistant to aggressive environments, can be used both inside and outside, systems can work in any weather. Our loss prevention systems can be easily connected by any engineer an electrician. All our systems are accompanied by relevant documentation. 

Loss Prevention Systems by Fresh USA, Inc

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Retail Loss Prevention Systems: Safeguarding Your Business's Success

Discover the comprehensive guide to Retail Loss Prevention Systems, ensuring the security of your merchandise and boosting your business's profits. Learn from expert insights, practical strategies, and firsthand experiences.

In the dynamic realm of retail, ensuring the safety of your merchandise is non-negotiable. This comprehensive guide dives into Retail Loss Prevention Systems, offering practical strategies and insights to fortify your business against potential threats. Join us on this journey to safeguard your success.

Retail Loss Prevention Systems

The Essence of Loss Prevention

Loss Prevention Systems go beyond mere security measures; they embody a proactive approach to safeguarding your business against potential risks. Understanding the essence of loss prevention is fundamental to creating an effective system.

Navigating the Retail Landscape

In the ever-evolving retail landscape, businesses must navigate challenges ranging from shoplifting to internal theft. A robust loss prevention system acts as a compass, guiding your business through these challenges and ensuring a secure environment for both customers and staff.

The Evolution of Loss Prevention Systems

Gone are the days of simplistic security measures. Modern Retail Loss Prevention Systems leverage advanced technologies and data analytics to provide a comprehensive and nuanced defense against potential threats.

Key Components of Retail Loss Prevention Systems

Advanced Surveillance Technologies

The backbone of any effective loss prevention system lies in state-of-the-art surveillance technologies. High-definition cameras, facial recognition, and real-time monitoring contribute significantly to deterring potential thieves and providing crucial evidence in case of an incident.

Access Control: Restricting Risks

Controlling access to sensitive areas within your retail space is paramount. Utilizing key card systems, biometric authentication, and other access control measures ensures that only authorized personnel can access critical areas, reducing the risk of internal theft.

Alarm Systems: A Sound Investment

Intrusion alarm systems act as a sound investment in preventing burglaries and unauthorized entry. Integrating these systems with 24/7 monitoring services enhances their effectiveness, providing a rapid response to potential threats.

Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Systems

EAS systems, utilizing technologies like radio frequency or acousto-magnetic systems, create an additional layer of security. Tagging merchandise and triggering alarms at exit points deter shoplifters effectively.

Inventory Management: The Heartbeat of Prevention

Accurate inventory management is the heartbeat of any successful loss prevention strategy. Regular audits and reconciliation processes ensure that physical stock aligns with recorded inventory, minimizing losses due to discrepancies.

Employee Training: Your Frontline Defense

Your employees are your frontline defense. Comprehensive training programs create a vigilant and informed workforce capable of identifying and addressing security concerns promptly, reducing the risk of theft and fraud.

Crafting an Effective Retail Loss Prevention System

Tailoring Strategies to Your Business

Every retail business is unique, and so should be its loss prevention strategy. Tailoring your approach to the specific needs and challenges of your business ensures a more effective and efficient prevention system.

Integrating Cutting-Edge Technologies

The synergy of various security technologies enhances the overall effectiveness of your loss prevention system. From artificial intelligence to data analytics, staying at the forefront of technological advancements is crucial in preventing evolving threats.

Striking the Balance: Customer Experience vs. Security

While stringent security measures are essential, finding the right balance with a positive customer experience is equally crucial. Implementing security measures that are unobtrusive ensures a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.

Risk Assessment and Proactive Solutions

A thorough risk assessment is the bedrock of any successful loss prevention strategy. Identifying potential vulnerabilities allows for the implementation of targeted solutions, minimizing the likelihood of losses.

Tackling Internal and External Threats

Loss prevention isn't solely about external threats. Addressing internal risks, such as employee theft or operational errors, requires a holistic approach involving surveillance, access control, and comprehensive training.

Retail Loss Prevention Systems in Action

Real-world Success Stories

Explore real-world examples of businesses that have successfully implemented retail loss prevention systems. Learn from their experiences and gain insights into the positive impact of a well-crafted strategy.

Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Reflecting on lessons learned and best practices is crucial for continuous improvement. Discover the commonalities among successful loss prevention strategies and apply these insights to your business.

Continuous Improvement Strategies

The landscape of threats is ever-changing. Continuous improvement strategies involve staying agile, updating technologies, and refining processes to address emerging threats effectively.

Adapting to Emerging Threats

As technology evolves, so do potential threats. Adapting to emerging threats involves staying informed, investing in new technologies, and being proactive in mitigating risks before they escalate.

Industry-specific Considerations

Different industries may face unique challenges. Understanding these industry-specific considerations allows businesses to tailor their loss prevention strategies effectively, considering factors such as layout, customer behavior, and product types.

FAQs on Retail Loss Prevention Systems

How do EAS systems contribute to loss prevention?

EAS systems contribute by using specially tagged merchandise and triggering alarms at exits, acting as a robust deterrent against shoplifting.

Why is employee training crucial for the effectiveness of loss prevention systems?

Employee training creates a vigilant and informed workforce capable of promptly identifying and addressing security concerns, reducing the risk of theft and fraud.

Can a one-size-fits-all approach work for retail loss prevention?

No, a tailored approach is essential. Every retail business is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach is insufficient in addressing specific risks and challenges.

How often should a retail business update its loss prevention strategies?

Loss prevention strategies should be regularly reviewed and updated, at least annually, to stay ahead of evolving threats and technology.

Are there legal considerations in implementing retail loss prevention systems?

Yes, businesses must consider legal implications such as privacy laws when implementing surveillance and data gathering technologies.

What role does technology play in the future of loss prevention?

Technology is pivotal, with advancements like artificial intelligence and data analytics shaping the future of loss prevention by providing more sophisticated and proactive solutions.


In the dynamic landscape of retail, success hinges on more than just selling products—it's about safeguarding your business's future. Retail Loss Prevention Systems, when well-crafted and implemented, provide the assurance of a secure environment, ensuring the longevity and prosperity of your enterprise.