
12-years experience in Environmental Consultancy  (4- years in River Restoration/Dam removal) - I  work as freelance consultant for several entities, national and international. Some examples:

- Leading the program on the Removal of Obsolete Fluvial Barriers, within the European Initiative Living European Rivers, which led to the removal of the Galaxes weir, the first removal made by an NGO in Portugal (pictures below).

- Securing the funding of 7 DR projects led by ANP|WWF and one EoI for Rewilding Apennines Italy.

- Co-hosted the VIIth edition of the Dam Removal Europe International Seminar (pictures below).

- Bringing creative contents for Environmental Education and Advocacy for Healthy Rivers (see Outreach, EA & Teaching).


The results of two year of efforts and passion: the removal  of the Galaxes weir, the first removal made by an NGO in Portugal , funded by the European Open Rivers Programme, within the program on the Removal of Obsolete Fluvial Barriers of the ANP|WWF, which in turn is enclosed in the European Living European Rivers Initiative.

A picture of Google Maps that fixed the removal of the Galaxes weir forever!

 The removal restored the connectivity of 7.7 km of river, in turn enhancing habitat and movements for the 'Saramugo' (Anaecypris hispanica), the most endangered non-migratory fish species in Portuguese freshwaters, other native fish species, as well as iconic mammals, such as the Iberian lynx and the otter.  The Saramugo is endemic to the Guadiana River basin and is the only living member of the genus Anaecypris

Visit to the Perofilho weir, the second removal from ANP|WWF, planned for september 2024. Perofilho, Santarém, Portugal.

Working to remove river barriers in Portugal is very hard, because most people think that dams and weirs are useful to retain water locally and therefore help combat droughts...

...To achieve this task, I try to be cretive, persistent and never loose motivation, breaking mental, before than physical, barriers 🧠 🧱🔨💥💦🐟🦦 

VIIth edition of the Dam Removal Europe International Seminar, that we (ANP|WWF) co-hosted together with  World Fish Migration Foundation, Wetlands International, Dam Removal Europe and The Nature Conservancy. Lisbon, May 2022.

One of the many fun moments, usual in the Dam Removal Europe conferences :)

Co-hosting of the VIIth edition of the Dam Removal Europe International Seminar, Lisbon, May 2022.


Consultancy for the Malaysian Nature Society  to train local researchers on otter trapping and GPS-tagging. Here during a post-mortem analysis of a Hairy-Nosed otter (Lutra sumatrana) - Kuala Selangor, Malaysia, November 2023. 

Above during a trapping training session  for the Malaysian Nature Society and below during a demonstration of surgical implantation of a radio-transmitter in a sedated Asian Small-Clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus) - Kuala Selangor, Malaysia, November 2023. 


Consultancy for the Wildlife Conservation Trust to train local researchers on otter ecology and GPS-tag Eurasian otters (recently detected in Central India) - Nagpur, India, November 2019. 

My first tiger paw! - Satpura Tiger Reserve, Pachmahri, Madya Pradesh, India, December 2019.