I am working with indigenous youth and the parent company want me to learn and teach the indigenous ways. I have prayed for this job and God answered by placing me there. Now the company is hassling over my wages and such. I need prayer to accept my position and also for the company to value my work and worth. I need prayer to leave all of this in God s hands. Thank you.

I will pray for you. May your noble work be appreciated by mortals and you are rewarded a decent livelhood. Please pray for me as I am a manager trying my best to reach to everyone kindly but I do meet intollerance. Im leaving my performance in the hands of God.

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I so needed this beautiful message today. I have always believed this but struggle doing it. One of my wonderful sons sent Wisdom Hunters to me to read. I thank you God I am truly blessed and leave my worries in your hands. Thank you son, love you.

So where most of know not to lick doorknobs, we still don't always know or understand how to handle every situation we face. We can choose to simply trust God and blindly walk through life as if nothing bad could happen to us, or we trust God and the brain He gave. In that case, we make decisions based on information from what we know to be true in the Bible but also what we know from our experiences and the knowledge we've gained as we've grown. When we don't have the knowledge we need, we seek and advice, use wisdom to assess and apply that information. We can come to the conclusion that the medical experts know more than me and that not only shouldn't I lick a doorknob, but I should really wash my hands after I touch it, especially when out in public when the flu or other illnesses are spreading like the one we're currently facing.

Almighty God, we bless you for our lives, and we give you praise for the abundant mercy and grace we receive. We thank you for your faithfulness even though we are not that faithful to you. Lord Jesus, we ask you to give us peace in our mind, body, soul, and spirit. We want you to heal and remove everything that is causing stress, grief, and sorrow in our lives.Please guide our path through life and make our enemies be at peace with us. Let your peace reign in our family, at our place of work, and in everything we lay our hands on.

I know my mind will remain in perfect peace as I fix my thoughts on you; so Lord Jesus, let your peace rule in my heart. Remind me of the peace I have in your family, and teach me how to be thankful for those circumstances that cause me to run to you, focus on you, and abide in you. I never need live with fearful, anxious thoughts. The truth is, you are in control! ~ Dawn Wilson

Satan wants me to believe I fight my spiritual battles by myself. Help me remember I am not alone in my battles. Your Word is clear. You have commanded me to be strong and take courage in you, and that is my desire. I can count on your presence wherever I go, and rely on the power and provision of your presence in my times of deepest need. Thank you for being near, for walking with me every day. ~ Dawn Wilson

I ask you for your help and comfort today. You know my pain and anxieties very well. Thank you for praying over me. Help me to rest in your comfort today. Help me to walk in you, the Spirit of God. Grow good fruit in my life. You are the one who produces these in me: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I cannot live out these things on my own; I need you. Amen

Dear Lord, I need your unshakable peace! Please forgive me for placing my trust and hope in things of this earth. Lead my soul to find rest in You and in Your perfect plan for my life. In Jesus' Name, Amen. ~ Gwen Smith

Dear God, I am prone to worry. I let the happenings of the world, the elections and the economy sit heavy on me. I need to find your peace. I invite you to restructure my thinking. May my hope be you. May my peace be you. May you help love flow out from me. Give me clarity. May I change what I am able to change and release what I can't. May I know that the greatest joy is staying where you are. God, thank you that you have the whole world in your hands. I need not fear because you are the best manager, orchestrator and caretaker. You made it all. I believe in your plan. Amen.

Jesus had Thomas put his finger out to touch him and invited him to see his hands and put his finger into his side. What we need to notice is what is not said... nothing is said about scars or holes, instead, Thomas worships Jesus. Would he worship Jesus as God with only a partial healing? Would John acknowledge Jesus as the Word, as the creator of all if he was not fully healed?

Father of all generosity we praise and love you, though weak and sinners, you make us instruments of your love and mercy to others. We cannot thank you enough. But it is more than enough proof that you love and trust us in our littleness. Constantly sustain us and fill us with the necessary grace we need each day to be able to help our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than ourselves. Make us instruments of your healing presence today. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God our Father, we praise and bless you today. Your Beloved Son Jesus was so busy to address the needs of your people. Grant us the grace to become channels of His saving words and deeds. Although you can surely do everything, you need our cooperation and participation in your works of salvation for all. In this Second Week of Advent, may we be able to prepare our very selves for Jesus coming again. He may find us watchful and vigilant in doing good works. We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our world is in need of your Peace. Fill the hearts of all peoples with honor for every human life. May your loving touch heal those who dwell in anger, pain and sorrow. May your Holy Spirit reconcile and unify strangers and neighbors.

Ever living, Ever loving God, our world is in need of your Peace. Fill the hearts of all peoples with honor for every human life. May your loving touch heal those who dwell in anger, pain and sorrow. May your Holy Spirit reconcile and unify strangers and neighbors.

Oh, God of mercy, compassion, and forgiveness, I hear the need for forgiveness for my sins and the sins of the world. Give me the grace today to do penance and ask for Your forgiveness and mercy for those times when I have sinned by my words, actions, and thoughts. I hear the call today from the reading from the Prophet Baruch. I need to hear the voice of Your mercy to bring me back fully in your service. Know that I love you and want to do your will rather than my own. I ask this of Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.

Ever loving God, our world is in need of your Peace. Fill the hearts of all peoples with honor for every human life. May your loving touch heal those who dwell in anger, pain and sorrow. May your Holy Spirit reconcile and unify strangers and neighbors.

Loving Savior, thank you for this new day, this new week. Thank you for blessing us with you life; for everything that we are and we have, we thank you. Thank you for the salvation that you have won for us. Bless us today, Lord, bless our families, our friends and relatives with everything that we need in our life and our spiritual journey. We pray, especially for your protection: keep us safe in your love and mercy. May your face shine upon us and be gracious to us, may you turn your face towards us and give us peace. Amen.

Lord God, help us discern what to ask from you. You know we have so many needs and countless wants. As the Lord Jesus told his first followers to ask for whatever they need, so we too, ask you, first and foremost, to keep us in your presence and protect us today from all danger and evil. May we never ask anything that eventually leads us astray from the way you lead us. Grant us, as well, good health and integral healing in mind, body and spirit. Through the prayer of St. Peregrine, grant healing to all those who suffer from terminal illnesses. Amen.

Oh, Lord, my merciful God, we continue to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, as he prepares his disciples for his ascension. Give me your grace to rejoice with the scripture readings of today for the coming of the Spirit that Jesus will send us after his ascension. I need the power of the Holy Spirt to live fully as a Christian and to be assured of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, giving me the grace I need to say no to temptations and keep my faith alive in hard times, and to fill my heart and keep me connected to Jesus. On this day, Lord, bless all mothers, as nationally we celebrate our mothers. Support them and keep them healthy and safe from harm. Amen.

Father and God of all that is good, we praise you for all your handiwork. As we celebrate today, St. Joseph, the worker, may we, like him, become faithful co-workers of your handiwork in creation. May we become more responsible in protecting and caring for all your creatures for we, too, were made by your holy and loving hands. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Gracious God, you are the sower of seeds, and the keeper of the garden of my heart. I am grateful for the care and tenderness that you show to me. Grow the seeds of faith within me. Increase my capacity to listen, care, and tend to the needs of others. I ask this through Jesus, your Son.

Father of life and resurrection, we praise and honor you today. As we follow the readings every day, send forth your Holy Spirit to guide us and make us understand the mystery of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Like the women who wept at the tomb, come to visit our brothers and sisters suffering from the loss of a loved one. Help us learn to let go of the things beyond our power, and surrender everything to you. Help us also learn to move on from the past. Do not allow us to stay long in the tomb of our loneliness, isolation, attachment or obsession. Let your resurrection remind us that there is a much better life you offer to each of us. All we need to do is move forward and leave behind what keeps us going back to the tomb of our past. We ask this through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Amen. 006ab0faaa

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