
The London Group of the Christian Rambling Club originated in the early 1980's as a group of Christians who enjoyed a monthly Saturday walk, visiting countryside within striking distance of Central London.

The main activity of the London Group is still the monthly Saturday day walks. These are between 7 and 12 miles long, and are normally on the 4th Saturday. We always meet at a railway station or tube station within an hours travelling time of central London. The walks normally end at the same station, although some walks end at another station usually on the same line.

(However, with the COVID 19 pandemic we do follow government guidelines and so there may be some months we are unable to walk.)

The London Group draws members from a very wide area, ie the whole area within the M25 and bit beyond. We therefore aim to rotate the walks so one month we may walk in Surrey, the following month in Herts etc. The intention is that there will be at least a couple of walks a year which are fairly local. During the winter months, the walks are shorter and nearer to Central London. In summer we tend to travel further afield and have longer walks. The usual starting time is 11am prompt, and we aim to finish walking by 5pm or dusk if earlier.

Following the name change of the National group in May 2013, the group is now known as the London Christian Walking Club.