Character Analysis

Below are detailed, comprehensive typings for the show's most significant characters. Character analysis and typing were done after carefully observing the series and each specific instance will be cited by its season and episode, quoted, and or linked to a clip to the scene.

To best understand each character summary, be sure to read through the "Intro to the Enneagram" and "Enneagram Types" tabs.

Sweet Mayo (2016)

Korra: 8w7

Core Type

As the star of the show, and with type 8s being the most easily identifiable, Korra proved to be the easiest character to type. Korra displays many signature characteristics of an 8: willfulness, impatience, strength, confidence (sometimes to a fault), self-reliance, and a tendency to fiercely defend her loved ones. At her worst, Korra can be a bit impulsive and hotheaded, jumping into action at a moment's notice. She's extremely action oriented and it doesn't take much to provoke a reaction from her. This scene is a great example of her fearlessly jumping into battle against her greatest adversaries and enemy of Republic City, Amon. Over the course of the show, we gradually see Korra grow immensely as she becomes more self-aware and finds her purpose in life.


Korra was assigned a wing of 7 due to her upbeat attitude, confidence, charm, and spontaneity. Playing off her 8ness, Korra knows what she wants and what she's about and doesn't hesitate to get out there and show the world what she has to offer. She displays this trait well in the first few episodes of season 1 when she brazenly disregards Tenzin's orders not to leave Air Temple Island and she soon joins Mako and Bolin's probending team, the Fire Ferrets.

Quotes and Scenes from the Show

  • (S1 E1) "I'm the avatar, you gotta deal with it!" - This scene, which is the very first of the show, hilariously showcases her hotheadedness and confidence even since she was a child. A perfect introduction to this brand new character.

  • (S1 E1) "Got an idea of who I am now, chumps?" - This is a scene from the first episode of the series where Korra has just ventured into her would-be home Republic City. Encountering some gangsters, she confidently steps up to the plate and (successfully) takes them all on. A bold statement that the avatar is here and ready for action.

  • (S1 E6) Lin says to Tenzin during the Fire Ferrets' final probending match, “I can’t believe your sweet tempered father was reincarnated into that girl, she’s tough as nails".

  • (S1 E4) A reporter asks Korra, "Why are you backing away from this fight?" to which she replies, “I’ve never backed away from anything in my life” then, “I’m not afraid of anybody”.

  • (S4 E2) We see Korra recounting her recovery after being poisoned and nearly killed by Zaheer. Korra initially sets out to solve this problem on her own after many months of rehabilitation therapy with Katara, which helped her to walk again, after resisting Katara's help for weeks and then resisting others' help during her travels. This recovery process signifies very well her desire for independence and to solve her problems herself.

Delgado (2020)

Mako: 6w5

Core Type

In this series, Mako serves as the more responsible character. It's disclosed early on in the series, first during a conversation between Korra and Bolin (S1 E3) then between Korra and Mako, that he and Bolin lost their parents when they were around ages 10 and 8, leaving them to fend for themselves since they were kids. This clearly forced Mako to step up and be Bolin's caretaker as the older brother. Not only does Mako show that he's responsible throughout the series, but that he has a healthy skepticism, he's suspicious of authority, and he's a very loyal brother and friend.


Mako was a assigned a wing of 5 due to his calm, even-keeled demeanor and general emotionlessness and analytical thinking style. Mako displays a handful of traits pertinent to "the observer" that play into his 6ness. For example, during his tenure with the Republic City Police Department, he shows a knack for the work and quickly rises up to rank as a detective. It goes without saying that a qualities of both a 6 and a 5 complement this kind of work well.

Quotes and Scenes from the Show

  • (S1 E3) "Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out... I always do" - Said after the team learns that they need to put up a ton of money to participate in the probending tournament, underscoring the role he's played in Bolin's life and his role on the team.

  • During a season 3 episode, Asami says of Mako "[he's] never been the most in-touch-with-his-feelings guy", summarizing his emotionlessness as described above., The world is evolving! (user)

Bolin: 7w6

Core Type

Bolin is a fairly obvious type 7; optimistic, enthusiastic, fun-loving, high-energy. However, he does exhibit some traits of a 3 as well, which initially made him a bit difficult to type. The main factor that distinguished him as a type 7 is his general carefree attitude and a lack of notable concerned over appearances and image––he just wants to have a good time.


Bolin is very sweet, kind-hearted, and a loyal companion. Playing well with his 7ness and balancing him out, he shows his 6ness in his loyalty. Portraying more the phobic 6, as described under "Enneagram Types", Bolin is compliant, cooperative, and affiliative as he generally goes with the flow and, as we see throughout season 2, stays with Eska despite their toxic relationship. Though lacking an innate skepticism, Bolin shows that he places a great deal of importance on his relationships and doesn't care for betrayal, elaborated on and linked below.

Quotes and Scenes from the Show

  • (S1 E5) "You're not my brother, you're a brother betrayer! [sobs] The only one I can trust anymore... is Pabu. Pabu loves me" - In this hilariously heartstring-tugging scene a sweet, heartbroken, seemingly noodle-drunk Bolin makes us feel so sorry for him. After Korra kisses Mako after going on a date with Bolin, he's quite upset. This shows well his sensitive and pain-avoidant side while also indicating his being hurt by the betrayal.

  • (Multiple) Bolin and Eska - This shows us multiple instances where Bolin is just along for the ride and doing whatever Eska asks of him, showing some compliant 6ness. Initially a bit dimwitted and gullible (not characteristics of any of the Enneagram types), Bolin comes to show his 7ness in that he expresses discontent with the relationship and seems that he misses his freedom but still avoids having to do the unpleasant task of ending the relationship.

Peters (2020)

Asami: 1w2

Core Type

Initially mistaken as simply a pretty, prissy, to use Korra word in (S1 E7), rich girl, Asami has much more grit than one might expect. Throughout the show Asami is a major support system of Korra, ultimately ending in their being a couple in the series finale. Asami is principled, disciplined, conscientious, and serious with high internal standards. She shows her moral character and principles when she turns on her father, as outlined and linked below, and we can see an example of her standards and pursuit of excellence in her taking control of and rebuilding her family's company, Future Industries, after her father's imprisonment.


Because of her compassionate nature, desire to help others, and the role she played in Korra's life, specifically after she was injured and Asami was her main support system, Asami was assigned a wing of 2. She doesn’t necessarily display the traits of a 2 that concern prioritizing the other or a basic desire to be loved and accepted, but she does demonstrate great emotional intelligence and a desire to support others.

Quotes and Scenes from the Show

  • (S1 E3) "Tell me... what's the problem?" - On their first date, Asami hears that Mako won't be able to participate in the tournament since he doesn't have the cash. She replies, "that's not fair" and then gets her father to sponsor the team so they can play. This demonstrates her compassion, desire to help, and her valuing equity.

  • (S1 E7) "I love you, Dad..." - When Asami learns that her father is a member of the Equalists she doesn't hesitate to turn on him and ultimately save Korra and the group, demonstrating her adherence to her principles and what she believes is right.

  • (S1 E12) "Are you insane? How could we be a family again after everything you’ve done? Mom would hate you for what you’ve become!" - When her father comes to her while she and others are locked up in a prison cell and expresses that he believes she'll come to her senses and join him, again demonstrates her principles.

Tenzin: 1w9

Core Type

Tenzin is a fairly classic type 1. He's extremely serious (sometimes rigid), disciplined, idealistic, principled, and purposeful with high internal-standards that are reflected on his family, namely his children. Tenzin could easily be typed as a 9w1, however his lofty goals of rebuilding the air nation and "upholding [Aang's] legacy" paired with his general strive for perfection tip the scale toward type 1. Tenzin may be such an even blend of types 1 and 9 because his parents, Aang and Katara, seemed to be types 9 and 1 respectively.


Despite his 1-like characteristics, Tenzin displays name traits of a 9. When met with resistance throughout the series he typically gives way and pacifies others'. Examples of this can be seen during city counsel meetings when, despite his expression of his beliefs and convictions, the other councilmembers, under the influence of Tarlok, vote against him. Rather than putting up more of a fight, readily and begrudgingly accepts defeat.

Quotes and Scenes from the Show

(S1 E1) "Tenzin has always been... rather serious" - In this series premier, Tenzin's mother Katara says this of him indicating early on the significance of this characteristic.

(S3 E11) "As long as I'm breathing it's not over" - Starting 5:24, this scene is a heart-wrenching depiction of Tenzin's resolve and dedication to protect Korra., Mira Rour (user)

Lin: 8w9

Core Type

Second only to Korra, Lin was another character that was easy to type. First daughter to the famously brash and grumpy Toph Beifong, Lin certainly fills the Toph-shaped hole in LOK. She's strong-willed, blunt, assertive, and self-reliant and demonstrates time and time again, between her protecting Korra, Tenzin, and her own family, that she's protective and will fiercely defend those she cares for.


Lin was given a wing of 9, which in and of itself seems to contradict the very essence of 8ness. However, her 9ness is actually easy to see. Despite her very noticeable 8ness, we can see that Lin doesn't care for conflict. While she's not one to back down from confrontation, when faced with conflict she typically will grumpily let it go and move on.

Quotes and Scenes from the Show

(S1 E10) "I won't tell you anything, you monster" - After she's captured by Amon in protecting Tenzin and his family, Lin sacrifices her bending to keep Korra safe.

(S3 E6) Lin and Su Backstory - Here we see a great contrast between sisters Lin and Suyin, Lin's seriousness versus Su's individuality.

Kemner (2020)

Suyin: 4w5

Core Type

Su easily registers as a type 4. She's very individualistic, has a strong sense of self, is attuned to her own emotions and those of others, and is incredible empathetic and caring. As a mother of 4, Su is very maternal. She even serves as a motherly figure to Korra at times.


Much like a 5, Su is shown to have many well-honed skills and ability. We first see her practicing a dance performance, and she shares a number of other hobbies and interests. Throughout the show, we see that she's an excellent, well-trained bender.

Quotes and Scenes from the Show

  • (S3 E5) Multiple - In the episode where Su makes her first appearance, after she's revealed to be Lin's sister, she and Korra and are alone talking in her study. She tells Korra about her life, saying that she built the revolutionary city of Zaofu so she could "make [her] mark of the world", very indicative of 4ness. She goes on to share that "because {her mom, Toph] grew up in such a strict house, she gave us all the freedom in the world hoping we’d figure out our own paths ... but we both ended up fighting for mom's attention." She tells Korra that when she was 16 she left home to travel the world. But after roaming around for a number of years she "finally realized what [she] was looking for was a family ... [and] created a place [she] could truly call home."

Spielberg (2020)

Kuvira: 6w5

Korra faces a new adversary each season. Pictured are Amon (top left), Unaloq (top right), Zaheer (bottom left), and Kuvira (bottom right). However, below you will find only find a character typing and analysis for Kuvira. This is because, simply, there wasn't sufficient content or evidence to fairly type the other characters. Kuvira was an exception due to her history with other characters (namely Suyin) and a more extensive backstory. It's important to note that Kuvira's typing represents an absurdly unhealthy, unbalanced, incomplete version of her assigned Enneagram type.

In season 4, Kuvira is an enemy to both Korra and, generally, the rest of the world. Tasked with bringing stability to the Earth Kingdom after the fall of the Earth Queen (who was killed by Zaheer), Kuvira revels in her newfound power and authority. Hers was meant to be a temporary role, as heir to the throne Prince Wu was to take subsequent control. However, at the prince's coronation in the Republic City, Kuvira announce to the world leaders that she will not be relinquishing control or forfeiting her authority. Instead, she will continue on as the Earth nation's "Great Uniter". As she travels to the different states throughout the Earth nation, Kuvira essentially threatens each governor into turning power over to her and commanding that they swear their loyalty the Great Uniter. In her final battle (S4 E13), after being defeated then saved by Avatar Korra, Kuvira communicates that she wanted to provide stability and security to the people Earth nation, something she wasn't afforded as a child cast aside by her own parents. Kuvira's strong emphasis on security and loyalty, which are central to a type 6, are the reasons for her typing as a 6w5. She was assigned a wing of 5 because, as described by Suyin Beifong, she was "smart, a natural leader, and quickly rose through the ranks" (S4 E5).

Disappointingly, a clip of Korra and Kuvira's final conversation couldn't be found, but Kuvira's speech where she refused to relinquish power and, alternatively to Bolin, shows some rebellious and anti-authority 6ness is useful in understanding her motives.