
Loïc Guillot, PhD

Hôpital St-Antoine

Bâtiment kourilsky

34 rue crozatier

75012 Paris, France

+33 149 28 46 82

Full profile

Loic Guillot is an assistant professor (CRCN INSERM, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) at Saint-Antoine Research Center in the team ‘’Cystic Fibrosis: Phenomgenomics and Physiopathology’’ headed by Pr Harriet Corvol (INSERM UMR_S 938, Paris, France). He received his PhD on lung innate immunity at Pasteur Institute in Dr. Michel Chignard’s laboratory and the University Pierre and Marie Curie in 2004. Then he moved to Canada to carry out postdoctoral research in Dr Salman Qureshi’s laboratory at McGill University. There, he worked on the genetic control of fungal lung infection. In 2007, he took my first appointment at Inserm in the laboratory of Pr. Annick Clement. There I worked on the genetics of Children interstitial lung disease, and in 2010 he was recruited as a permanent researcher. Since 2014, he is leading in the team, a research group. Our research is dedicated to Cystic Fibrosis physiopathology. In particular, we are studying 1) the role of modifier genes, and 2) the host response of respiratory epithelial cells to infection.