I was checking out excel pilot logbook and I was wondering if you're literally just buying an excel template or if it's like an app or something. I don't want to be tied to a company once I get it but I'm too lazy to make one.

I have my own excel spreadsheet, which I started after I lost a logbook in a car/gear theft. It's 9 or 10 pages with all the DZ's listed that I've jumped and how many jumps at each DZ and the years there, etc. Also another page for all the planes and aircraft I've jumped from, blah blah blah... It's pretty easy to keep up with these days with only 5 jumps in 4 years... 

Logbook Excel Download

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I have my own excel spreadsheet, which I started after I lost a logbook in a car/gear theft. It's 9 or 10 pages with all the DZ's listed that I've jumped and how many jumps at each DZ and the years there, etc. Also another page for all the planes and aircraft I've jumped from, blah blah blah... It's pretty easy to keep up with these days with only 5 jumps in 4 years...

***I have my own excel spreadsheet, which I started after I lost a logbook in a car/gear theft. It's 9 or 10 pages with all the DZ's listed that I've jumped and how many jumps at each DZ and the years there, etc. Also another page for all the planes and aircraft I've jumped from, blah blah blah... It's pretty easy to keep up with these days with only 5 jumps in 4 years...

Alternatively, you can try the Driversnote logbook app for logging your trips even quicker. The app helps you get ATO-compliant tax log books for your claims and is recommended by accountants in Australia.

According to the logbook method, there are a few things that you must always remember to include in your log book. The ATO outlines clear rules on what information you need to fill out in your log book template.

Electronic logbooks are permitted now (since some time in the beginning of this year), but before that they were not. FCL.050 and its AMC said that the logbook had to be on paper and signed by hand, unless you were a commercial pilot and your employer kept electronic logs.

Has anyone any experience with electronic airframe and engine log books? Even something as simple as a excel spreadsheet. I Thought it might be a bit easier especially when coming totting up as the totals never seem to match.

I once heard from a fellow pilot that some of the Scandinavian countries also accept digital records but only if you print them in the format of a physical EASA logbook and then glue the printed sheets inside the book. I am not sure if this is specified in any publication.

Disregarding how abysmal the functionality and data recording is in the log book, the tools for manipulating data in the logbook are just as abysmal. For instance, if you search for particular entries, the total flight time is still total flight time, not say, the accumulated time if you chose to search for time in a particular type of aircraft.

Even with the logbook being a binary file type so was the logbook in FSX and there are tools to export that. So why can we not have a tool to export this logbook?

When I do take a close look at what I can, I think it is to make it had for us not to see all the errors that are in the logbook like not recording landing etc.

I hope some 3rd party make an export tool the same as was done for FSX.

I have some crazy idea. Why not take the real electronic logbook in Excel or other format and just start entering data in there manually after each flight, like pilots do in real life? I find the logbook in the game contaminated by irrelevant entries (landing challenges for example) and errors (not counting take offs from uncontrolled airports). It would need manual cleaning after export anyway, so why not just enter data yourself from scratch? I also heard that Volanta offers better logging than the game.

Keep in mind that you must also keep separate logbooks for separate vehicles if you drive more than one vehicle for business. You can easily copy the mileage log template from this article to record mileage for different vehicles.

If you are self-employed, you must keep the "base year" logbook for six years from the end of the most recent tax year that was used as a base year if you adopt the simplified logbook technique. If your base year was recorded in 2018 and you utilized it to establish commercial usage in 2020, you must preserve the base year logbook record until at least 2026.

Driversnote is able to track your trips automatically which is perfect for those who may sometimes forget to log trips. With the app, you will always have your mileage reports with you as they are safely stored online. If you decide to use this template, make sure to always create a backup logbook in case you lose your main one.

Want to learn more about Microsoft Excel and creating a logbook yourself? If you prefer attending a course and live in South Africa look at the Johannesburg MS Excel 3 Day Advanced Course or the Cape Town MS Excel 3 Day Advanced training course. If you prefer online learning or live outside South Africa, look at our online MS Excel training courses.

I maintained a paper logbook until I upgraded at Horizon. My only regret is that I should have converted to digital when I became a CFI. I did not have good logbook discipline. I would allow 6 months to go by without making an entry.

Using this logbook will eliminate mistakes in addition. Keeping accurate track of your total flying time will become easier and error-free. Future license applications are made simple by formulas that keep track of totals. Automatically find out how many hours you have flown in the last 7, 30, 90 or 360 days so you'll never fly more hours than you are legally allowed.

The ability to import data to Logbook Pro allows for unlimited flexibility in your flight logging needs. Any TAB or Comma Delimited text data file can be easily imported into Logbook Pro's logbook area by following the simple steps of the Import Wizard.. Most Palm and Pocket PC applications allow export to text delimited data files, making the use of any handheld PDA compatible with Logbook Pro. All spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel, Lotus 123, Microsoft Works, Microsoft Access, etc., have the option to export/save data to text delimited data files, which can be subsequently imported into Logbook Pro.

For best results, prepare your data to match as close as possible that of the Spreadsheet Style log area, i.e. columns and data format. Don't worry about having a separate To/From field as Logbook Pro uses one Route field, the Import Wizard will offer the option of merging the two fields to import properly to Logbook Pro's style, allowing for multiple leg entries per record. To initiate the Import Wizard, click the option within the File menu. Importing data can either append (add to) existing data, or completely replace existing logbook data. For valid logbook entries, an aircraft type must exist in the Options...Aircraft area, therefore Logbook Pro will automatically create Aircraft Type entries for you and notify you that the entry needs attention for complete configuration.

Figure 1 above shows the first screen of the Import Wizard. Choose the file containing the logbook data for import and the options to Backup prior to conducting the transfer (recommended) and the Append or Replace option. Tell Logbook Pro which delimiter is used in the text data file, if not recognized automatically. Click Next to continue with the import process.

Hi @loginerror

Thanks for the reply, I have tried the workbook write range activity and it is working fine. There is no issue in writing to excel even if the filters are present in the excel.

I have recreated the same scenario in other projects as well and the problem with excel write range activity is still there. I tried to attach the xaml file and the test file as well to this reply, since I am a new user I am not able to do so.

The issue not able to write range in hidden or filtered rows within the excel application scope is not fixed in Version 2.8.5. The problem is in the enterprise edition as well as in community.

In the older version of excel activity (i.e. 2.7.2) there was no problem.

thanks for your answer.

That is very pity. Why was it able to write over filtered rows in the older Versions and now it is an error?

These new limitation makes no sense to me and therefore it is very annoying that you have now to make an workaround.

If you copy a range and paste it into filtered rows manually in excel it is possible as well. It is no technical limitation of excel itself. What technical limitation reason is it that Uipath changed it to error?

Hello @loginerror,

your approach is not a error, it is just what I expect. You need to understand microsoft excel to know how to paste into filtered rows, what happens and do not get unreliable results.

It is correct that you overwrite the filtered cells with the content of your copy cells, it is not an unreliable thing. If excel do not prohibit this by itself, it is not useful that you forbit it in uipath application scope. Everything you can do manually in excel should be possible with application scope too.

To paste into filtered rows and overwriting the unseen cells is not an error and should be fixed in the new activity versions.

Action : I tried to write data in K column using excel application scope - write range

Error message : Cannot write to the target range because it has hidden rows. Remove any filters or unhide rows and try again.

Our vehicle logbook template and tax resources to help with your expense tracking are provided free for self-guided tax return activities. It is okay to use them for personal purposes, but it is not legal to re-distribute, re-brand or sell these materials, or their contents, without prior authorisation.

Whatever industry you are involved in, you may often find the need to keep a logbook. Whether you are in security, airline transportation, maritime transportation, engineering, science, research, or any other field, keeping a logbook is crucial in accomplishing your tasks and succeeding in them. Log books must be maintained consistently and methodically to keep track of the events surrounding you, as well as to keep it as reference. 2351a5e196

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