
The updates page covers only the major updates, and not small updates or bug fixes. Those can be found in the update log of our Discord server.

V.1.12 (Before new update system)

-Re-added Prophecy ending

-Re-added Greedy ending

-Added Rickroll ending

-Added TOAST ending

-Moved some slides around

-Changed some links

-Moved the secret speaker notes


-Underlined the "underlined" on the first slide

-Added more info on the info slide

-Added a way to get to the TOAST ending 

-Moved the TOAST ending slide

-Added a way to get to the Prophecy ending

-Changed text in secret speaker notes in the Prophecy ending

-Changed text, added text, and moved stuff around on slide 133

-Spelling/grammar mistake fixes and changed up some words

-Added link to copyright slide on info slide

-Moved copyright slide

-Edited copyright slide a little (Changed "Sowyer Graves & Co." to "LOD Studios")

-Added "The box ending" in the credits 


-Added Carson Grey on the title screen

-Added "More Info (Recommended Look)" section on info slide (Moved Bug Report form to More Info, added Developer Form to More Info, added Suggestions form to More Info, added Exploiter Reports form to More Info, added Sound Tester to More Info, added Other Games to More Info, added Credits list to More Info, added Update Log to More Info, added and Announcements to More Info)

-Added to Info: "-Sections in this game utilize sound. We recommend you have your sound turned on."

-Added SoundCloud link in Social Links

-Changed format of Info slide

-Changed text size of "Event Stories" on Event Stories slide from 29.5 to 33

-Changed Instagram link in Social Links to not exist

-Switched Announcements & Update Log slide locations

-Moved around social links to fit moved socials and new socials

-Underlined the word "underlined" on the second title screen

-Removed Contact Us, Achievements, Credits, Update Log, Announcements, and In The Everyday from Extra Stories, Event Stories, and Bonus Content.

-Removed the Spotify from Social Links

-Removed the TikTok from Social Links

-Removed the LinkedIn from Social Links

-Removed the Drip Goku meme ending until further notice

-Removed the Among Us meme ending until further notice

-Removed the What? meme ending until further notice 

V. (Pool Party at Dawn)

-Added many new slides and story

-Added many more deaths, secret stories and endings (including an official ending)

-Added new Taijitu game section

-Added Achievements

-Added more bonus content (The Backrooms, The Light of Dawn (Retro Classic), etc.)

-Added "About the Creators" pages

-Added a mountain lion somewhere

-Added a grizzly bear somewhere

-Added a wolf pack somewhere

-Added a faint shark outline somewhere

-Added a catfish somewhere

-Added a portal somewhere

-Added a bush somewhere

-Added Josiah Bailey on the title screen

-Adjusted the angle of “Welcome Home”

-Moved the options on some slides

-Moved the tree for the thunderstorm section

-Changed More Info information from "Recommended Look" to "IMPORTANT"

-Changed some text on the Info page

-Changed “Groundhog’s Day” to “Groundhog Day” for Deep Inside bonus story

-Changed the left path to be the right path on slides 20 and 30

-Changed skip loading screen button slightly

-Changed Bonus Content slide's name to "More Event Stories"

-Changed coming soon page to error 404 page

-Changed the font size of the start button for The Light of Dusk from 31 to 25

-Changed the text from "Start" to "Start your journey" for The Light of Dusk

-Changed the link for The Light of Dusk to go to the error 403 slide

-Changed some text colors

-Changed the paper texture in the Welcome Home ending

-Changed some background images

-Edited multiple texts in the game

-Edited the contact us page, our hours page and terms & privacy policy page

-Increased the snow pile size on the avalanche slide

-Increased the thumbs up wideness in the Browns ending

-Decreased the brightness of a log on the moose side

-Remastered in-game update log

-Remastered in-game announcements page

-Remastered in-game staff list

-Remastered Other Games section

-Remastered copyright section

-Remastered social links section

-Organized multiple slide locations

-Increased image quality on some slides

-Fixed audio not playing

-Various spelling/grammar fixes

-Removed "The box ending"

-Removed the Backrooms game section (Left the "Trapped forever" ending)

-Removed the TOAST ending

-Removed The Light of Dusk title screen and changed it to be unplayable

-Removed the "Not so secret story" slide

-Removed the "What were you expecting?" secret

-Removed Gmail from social links

-Removed secret in speaker notes

-Removed the secret speaker notes in the Animateness ending

-Removed the colon symbol on the title page

-Updated copyright to 2023