Staff List

Disclaimer: Not all of our staff work on every single game we make. These are our staff for all of our games. Does not include people who make images, sound effects, or other small random stuff. If it is a game like The Light of Dawn with a lot of images, there is no credit given. If copyright is a problem, we remove the image. If it is a smaller game like DaBaby (The Horror Game), we give the credit for sound design (but still not images) in the credits list of that game.

Staff List

Lead Developer

Sowyer Graves (EST)


Carson Grey (EST)

Hayden Crawford (EST)

Josiah Bailey (EST)

Animator & Music Maker

Robert Golubich (EST)

Voice Actors

Madalynn (EST)

Thomas Kuruc (WISC)

Natasha Diddle (EST)


Carsten Reymond (EST)


Cortney Braid (EST)

Head Beta Testers

James Silva (EST)

Jude Frazier (EST)

Sebastian DeLeo (CST)

Beta Testers

Audrey Kitchen (EST)

Austin Brown (EST)

Brennan Helton (EST)

Caleb Hagerman (EST)

Cameron Blake (EST)

Dustin Huhn (EST)

Dylan Damron (EST)

Gavin Morrison (EST)

Hailey Kronk (EST)

Harper Crawford (EST)

Jacob Stepp (EST)

Jason Hickman (EST)

Kaiser Kim (EST)

Kale Mesina (EST)

Kaylee Borgman (EST)

Keegan Henson (EST)

Logan Lumbard (EST)

Logan Montgomery (EST)

Michael Chaffin (EST)

Nicholas Graves (EST)

Nicholas Mason (EST)

Ricky Braid (EST)

Sheila Braid (EST

Taylor Kulich (EST)

Xavier Haag (EST)


Benton Caudill (EST)

Brayden Holt (EST)

Brycen Fletcher (EST)

Faye Hendricks (EST)

Natasha Martinez (EST)