Local Sustainability Outcomes

The inability to systematically link municipal commitments, plans, and actions to actual community-level outcomes is a major and ongoing obstacle to advancing knowledge around local climate efforts. Measurement inconsistencies and data collection challenges make it difficult to assemble relevant outcome metrics that are comparable across a large number of cities. This, in turn, hinders the ability to make generalizable statements about the impact of local climate initiatives and the factors that contribute to or impede their success.

Using zonal analysis, we constructed measures of select sustainability outcomes that lines up with the jurisdictional boundaries of US cities. The image below depicts our general approach.

We have started by estimating the city-level outcomes of two metrics: greenhouse gas emissions and tree canopy cover.  These metrics were selected because (1) the nation-wide data from which they could be developed was available at multiple points in time; and (2) these outcomes tap clearly and decisively into the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of sustainability.    

City-level data on select sustainability outcomes