City Sustainability Policy & Implementation Publications

These publications use data collected from various 2010, 2015, and 2020 surveys on sustainability policy and implementation. Visit the Surveys page for more information on data and instruments associated with each.

Krause, Rachel M., Christopher V. Hawkins, and Angela YS Park. How has the COVID Crisis Impacted Local Governments’ Sustainability Efforts? An Examination of Initial Effects. State and Local Government Review 55.1 (2023): 27-40. 

Cheng, Yuan. Angela YS Park, Rachel M Krause. (Accepted). Nonprofit Sector Size and the Breadth of Local Government Climate Actions: Exploring the Moderating Role of Collaboration. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Deslatte, Aaron, Rachel M. Krause, and Christopher V. Hawkins. (Accepted). The Road to Routinization: A Functional Collective Action Approach for Local Sustainability Planning and Performance Management. State and Local Government Review. 

Hawkins, Christopher V., and Rachel M. Krause. 2022. Decisions Institutions, Policy Arenas, and Inter-departmental Collective Action around Urban Sustainability. Urban Governance

Curley, Cali, Nicky Harrison, Corey Kewei Xu, and Shan Zhou. (2021). Collaboration mitigates barriers of utility ownership on policy adoption: evidence from the United States. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 64(1): 124-144. 

Hawkins, Christopher V., Rachel M. Krause. (2021). Trends in Resource Capacity and Collaboration for City Sustainability: Implications for Planning Research and Practice. Planning Theory and Practice. 22 (1): 141-147. 

Kim, Soyoung, Woo-Je Kim, and Richard Clark Feiock. (2021). An item response theory model of inter-regional collaboration for transportation planning in the United States. Land 10.9: 947. 


Krause, Rachel M. and Christopher V. Hawkins. (2021). Implementing City Sustainability: Overcoming Administrative Silos to Achieve Functional Collective Action. Philadelphia, PA, Temple University Press. 

Krause, Rachel M., Christopher V. Hawkins. (2021). Viewpoints: Improving cities’ implementation of sustainability objectives. Cities. 113, 103167. 

Krause, Rachel M., Christopher V. Hawkins, Angela Y.S. Park. (2021). The perfect amount of help: An examination of the relationship between capacity and collaboration in urban energy and climate initiatives. Urban Affairs Review. 57 (2):583-608. 

Park, Angela Y.S., Rachel M. Krause, Christopher V. Hawkins. (2020). Institutional Mechanisms for Local Sustainability Collaboration: Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Assessing the Duality of Formal and Informal Mechanisms. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 31 (2): 434-450. 

Deslatte, Aaron, and Richard C. Feiock. (2019). The collaboration riskscape: Fragmentation, problem types and preference divergence in urban sustainability." Publius: The Journal of Federalism 49(2): 352-377. 

Krause, Rachel M., Angela Y.S. Park, Christopher V. Hawkins, R.C. Feiock. (2019). The Effect of Administrative Form and Stability on Cities’ use of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories as a basis for Mitigation. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. 21(6): 826-840. 

Krause, Rachel M., Christopher V. Hawkins, Angela Y.S. Park, R.C. Feiock. (2019). Drivers of Policy Instrument Selection for Environmental Management by Local Governments. Public Administration Review. 79 (4): 477-487. 

Tang, Tian, and Alfred Tat-Kei Ho. (2019). A path-dependence perspective on the adoption of Internet of Things: Evidence from early adopters of smart and connected sensors in the United States. Government Information Quarterly 36(2): 321-332. 

Chiang Hsieh, Lin-Han, and Douglas Noonan. (2017). Strategic behavior in certifying green buildings: an inquiry of the non-building performance value." Environmental management 60(2): 231-242. 


Curley, Cali, Rachel M. Krause, R.C. Feiock, Christopher V. Hawkins. (2017). Dealing with Missing Data: A comparative exploration of approaches utilizing the Integrated City Sustainability Database.  Urban Affairs Review. 55 (2): 591-615. 

Feiock, R.C., Rachel M. Krause, and Christopher V. Hawkins. (2017). The Impact of Administrative Structure on the Ability of City Governments to Overcome Functional Collective Action Dilemmas: A Climate and Energy Perspective. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 27 (4): 615–628. 

Yi, Hongtao, Rachel M. Krause, and Richard C. Feiock. (2017). Back-pedaling or continuing quietly? Assessing the impact of ICLEI membership termination on cities’ sustainability actions. Environmental Politics 26(1): 138-160. 

Hawkins, Christopher V., Rachel M. Krause, R.C. Feiock, and Cali Curley. (2016). Making Meaningful Commitments: Accounting for Variation in Cities’ Investments of Staff and Fiscal Resources to Sustainability. Urban Studies. 53 (9): 1902–24. 

Feiock, R.C., Rachel M. Krause, and Christopher J. Hawkins. Cali Curley. (2014). The Integrated City Sustainability Database. Urban Affairs Review. 50 (4): 577-589. 

Krause, Rachel M., R.C. Feiock, and Christopher J. Hawkins. (2014). The Administrative Organization of Sustainability within Local Government. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. 26(1): 113-127.  

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers 1461526/1461506/1461460 and 2021044/2020904. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.