QUB workshop

December 4, 2019


  • the workshop is open to all interested researchers
  • there is no registration fee, but registration is required by email to P. Siegl: p.siegl(at)qub.ac.uk
  • interested researchers are encouraged to suggest short talks or open problems (10-15 min) for the afternoon session



  1. Antonio Arnal (Belfast)
  2. Sabine Bögli (Durham)
  3. Lyonell Boulton (Heriot-Watt)
  4. Gareth Boreland (Belfast)
  5. Jean-Claude Cuenin (Loughborough)
  6. Karys Dickson (Belfast)
  7. Borbala Gerhat (Bern & Belfast)
  8. Gleb Gribakin (Belfast)
  9. Shubham Gupta (Imperial College London)
  10. Dorian Guzu (Imperial College London)
  11. Ethan Hawthorne (Belfast)
  12. Gabor Kiss (Belfast)
  13. Jamie Lutton (Belfast)
  14. Miriam Ní Chobhthaigh (Belfast)
  15. Martin Mathieu (Belfast)
  16. Michael Rosbotham (Belfast)
  17. Larry Read (Imperial College London)
  18. Iveta Semorádová (Prague & Belfast)
  19. Eugene Shargorodsky (King's College London)
  20. Petr Siegl (Belfast)
  21. Anna Zhigun (Belfast)

*updated Dec. 03, 2019