LMS Joint Research Group

Challenges in Non-Self-Adjoint Spectral Theory

Many important applications in physics - such as linear stability problems in fluid mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics or elasticity theory - require reliable knowledge of the spectra of non-self-adjoint linear operators. In spite of their relevance, spectral properties are much less understood in the non-self-adjoint case and numerical approximations of eigenvalues are prone to be unstable, which constitutes a major challenge. We approach the problem from different perspectives, ranging from functional and harmonic analysis to complexity theory, and aim for possible applications in theoretical physics and numerical analysis.

We organise four one-day workshops, each consisting of three invited lectures in the morning followed by afternoon short talks & open problem sessions. The goal of the afternoon sessions is to stimulate interactions among the group members, local researchers, PhD students and postdocs as well as any interested participants.

The activity is supported by the Research Grant of the London Mathematical Society (Scheme 3) and the host universities.


  • December 4, 2019, Queen's University Belfast (organised by P. Siegl)
  • Spring 2020, Cardiff University (organised by J. Ben-Artzi)
  • Autumn 2020, Durham University (organised by S. Bögli)
  • Spring 2021, Loughborough University (organised by J.-C. Cuenin)

Group Members