You can configure OpenStack to write metadata to a special configuration drivethat attaches to the instance when it boots. The instance can mount this driveand read files from it to get information that is normally available throughthe metadata service.This metadata is different from the user data.

One use case for using the configuration drive is to pass a networkingconfiguration when you do not use DHCP to assign IP addresses toinstances. For example, you might pass the IP address configuration forthe instance through the configuration drive, which the instance canmount and access before you configure the network settings for theinstance.

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You can use the blkid command to identify the block device thatcorresponds to the configuration drive. For example, when you bootthe CirrOS image with the m1.tiny flavor, the device is/dev/vdb:

Note the effect of the--file /etc/network/interfaces=/home/myuser/instance-interfacesargument that was passed to the openstack server create command.The contents of this file are contained in the openstack/content/0000file on the configuration drive, and the path is specified as/etc/network/interfaces in the meta_data.json file.

For legacy reasons, you can configure the configuration drive to useVFAT format instead of ISO 9660. It is unlikely that you would requireVFAT format because ISO 9660 is widely supported across operatingsystems. However, to use the VFAT format, add the following line to the/etc/nova/nova.conf file:

Config drives are special drives that are attached to an instance when it boots.The instance can mount this drive and read files from it to get information thatis normally available through the metadata service.

To use config drives with libvirt or VMware, you must firstinstall the genisoimage package on each compute host. Use themkisofs_cmd config option to set the path where youinstall the genisoimage program. If genisoimage is inthe same path as the nova-compute service, you do not need to setthis flag.

To use config drives with Hyper-V, you must set themkisofs_cmd config option to the full path to anmkisofs.exe installation. Additionally, you must set thehyperv.qemu_img_cmd config option to the full path to anqemu-img command installation.

An image built with a recent version of the cloud-init package canautomatically access metadata passed through the config drive. The cloud-initpackage version 0.7.1 works with Ubuntu, Fedora based images (such as Red HatEnterprise Linux) and openSUSE based images (such as SUSE Linux EnterpriseServer). If an image does not have the cloud-init package installed, you mustcustomize the image to run a script that mounts the config drive on boot, readsthe data from the drive, and takes appropriate action such as adding the publickey to an account. For more details about how data is organized on the configdrive, refer to the user guide.

The img_config_drive image metadata property can be used to force enablethe config drive. In addition, users can explicitly request a config drivewhen booting instances. For more information, refer to the user guide.

The fields config.migration.stateful and devices.root.size.state were added to get it to work with 4.22, otherwhise it would fail with Error: Stateful start requires that the instance limits.memory is less than size.state on the root disk device (Note that passing --stateless does not fix this)

You can use the config-drive parameter to present a read-only drive to your instances. This drive can contain selected files that are then accessible to the instance. The configuration drive is attached to the instance at boot, and is presented to the instance as a partition. Configuration drives are useful when combined with cloud-init (for server bootstrapping), and when you want to pass large files to your instances.

An instance attaches its configuration drive at boot time. This is enabled by the --config-drive option. For example, this command creates a new instance named test-instance01 and attaches a drive containing a file named /root/user-data.txt:

Context: I'm trying to migrate some Windows VMs from VMWare to OpenStack on a shared VLAN network, so they can keep their IP addresses. The NICs are different so I'm losing my interface in Windows, and so goes the old IP. I'm trying to use a cloud-init script to fix that, which should be easy enough to write, but there's no DHCP so I need a config drive to run it. That works, but once the config drive is used I can't live-migrate the VM, and the VM's owner won't appreciate having the extra drive present.

The usual mechanism used to provide IP addresses to instances is DHCP. The Neutron DHCP agent is in charge of spawning and configuring a DHCP server (dnsmasq by default) to do the job. Given the network constraints discussed previously, this solution is not easily usable as DHCP works inside an L2 network and cannot cross a router.

Config-drive replaces the metadata API in the sense that it embeds the informations usually exposed by this API in a disk ("config drive") that is itself connected to the instance. The cloud-init tool which is found in most of the cloud images is able to access this disk and use the data it contains.

Moreover, by enabling the appropriate option, Nova can provide network informations of the instance through metadata. These informations will also be used by cloud-init in order to configure the instance.

Inside an instance connected to a network without DHCP, we mount the config-drive and note that we can find the network configuration there, and we then note that this configuration has indeed been implemented by cloud-init in order to provide network connectivity:

You can set custom options for Google Drive for desktop, including the default drive letter on Windows, the mount point on Apple macOS, the cache location, bandwidth limits, and proxy settings. These configurations can be set at the user or host level, and persist when Drive for desktop restarts. Admins can override user settings.

Sets the limit on content cache size in kilobytes. The limit is capped at 20% of the available space on the hard drive (regardless of the setting value).The setting doesn't apply to files made available offline or files that are uploading.


 This setting is only available for admins, as an override or host-wide setting.

Windows: Set a mounted drive letter or a path on an existing drive. You can use an environment variable to specify the drive letter or customize the path (for example C:\Users\%USERNAME%\GoogleDrive).

On our mid-tier server, the drive hosting the config area keeps filling up. It's difficult to tell what's the real culprit but there do seem to be a number of files in the Environment Manager agent area which are a significant size (roughly half a Gb each). They are named hs_err_pidnnnnn.mdmp, where nnnnn is a (generally) five-digit number, I'm guessing the PID of a process. A bit of Googling (other search engines are available!) suggests that these are dump files from JVMs which have crashed, although I'm not aware of this happening with the EV agent. Two questions:

It looks like it is the wrapper which is causing this (the mdmp and accompanying log files are in config\Lev1\Web\SASEnvironmentManager\agent-5.8.0-EE\wrapper\sbin). It's mainly happening when the server is rebooted, so it must be something to do with the agent service not stopping in the proper way. It's odd because I don't see the same stopping the service manually, and I don't think our other servers' agents are behaving like this (metadata, compute and LASR). As you say, I think this is one to raise with TS.

However you can set this to restrict rclone to a specific folderhierarchy or to access data within the "Computers" tab on the driveweb interface (where files from Google's Backup and Sync desktopprogram go).

In order to do this you will have to find the Folder ID of thedirectory you wish rclone to display. This will be the last segmentof the URL when you open the relevant folder in the drive webinterface.

To use a Service Account instead of OAuth2 token flow, enter the pathto your Service Account credentials at the service_account_fileprompt during rclone config and rclone won't use the browser basedauthentication flow. If you'd rather stuff the contents of thecredentials file into the rclone config file, you can setservice_account_credentials with the actual contents of the fileinstead, or set the equivalent environment variable.

When rclone downloads a Google doc it chooses a format to downloaddepending upon the --drive-export-formats setting.By default the export formats are docx,xlsx,pptx,svg which are asensible default for an editable document.

When importing files into Google Drive, rclone will convert allfiles with an extension in --drive-import-formats to theirassociated document type.rclone will not convert any files by default, since the conversionis lossy process.

This limitation can be disabled by specifying --drive-allow-import-name-change.When using this flag, rclone can convert multiple files types resultingin the same document type at once, e.g. with --drive-import-formats docx,odt,txt,all files having these extension would result in a document represented as a docx file.This brings the additional risk of overwriting a document, if multiple fileshave the same stem. Many rclone operations will not handle this name changein any way. They assume an equal name when copying files and might copy thefile again or delete them when the name changes.

Google documents can also be exported as link files. These files willopen a browser window for the Google Docs website of that documentwhen opened. The link file extension has to be specified as a--drive-export-formats parameter. They will match all availableGoogle Documents.

When uploading to your drive all files will be overwritten unless theyhaven't been modified since their creation. And the inverse will occurwhile downloading. This side effect can be avoided by using the"--checksum" flag. ff782bc1db

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