Guide to Limited Liability Companies (LLC)

Welcome to "Guide to limited liability companies"! This GUIDE is designed to be a resource for tribal officials AS THEY navigate the process of creating an LLC. The gUIDE is a mixed-media resource tHAT GIVES DECISION MAKERS INFORMATION THAT CAN help make the process of developing an llc quick and efficient.

How to Use This Learning Guide:

This guide is designed to be a resource for tribal officials to help them navigate the process of creating an LLC code. It is organized into chapters that correspond to categories you will want to address in your code. Within each chapter you will find sections about specific provisions that warrant detailed explanation or that present important decisions that will need to be made as you consider your own code. Visual guides are included to help you identify areas that require special attention.

Throughout the GUIDE references will be made to both the Ho-Chunk Limited Liability Code (5HCC03) and the Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (ULLCA);

Ho-Chunk Limited Liability Code (5HCC03)

Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (ULLCA)

Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (ULLCA) 06rev.pdf

Both documents are incorporated as appendices to this guide. In addition, specific provisions are included in the text of this guide where appropriate. In these excerpts, any references to a state in the ULLCA have been changed to denote a tribal nation. A nation wishing to enact an LLC code is encouraged to choose one of these two exemplars as a template and modify it according to the nation’s specific needs after reviewing the information in this guide. Of course, your nation may choose to draft a completely new statute with the assistance of a qualified attorney, in which case this guide can serve to illustrate the different types of provisions you will want to consider including.

When you see a box like this, it contains the text of provisions from the Ho-Chunk Code or the Uniform LLC Code, or text from other sources (case law or law reviews). 


In addition this Learning Guide referenceS Ho-Chunk, Inc., an Honoring Nations 2002 Awardee. This case has been specifically curated to accompany this Learning Guide and can be used as a referenced example of establishing an Limited Liability Company (LLC).