
The following papers have been selected for 15 minute oral presentations. Congratulations to all of the authors:

  • Oral Session - I:
    • 11:20 - 11:35 Direct Policy Transfer via Hidden Parameter Markov Decision Processes
    • 11:35 - 11:50 Will it Blend? Composing Value Functions in Reinforcement Learning
  • Oral Session - II:
    • 14:40 - 14:55 Multitask Reinforcement Learning for Zero-shot Generalization with Subtask Dependencies
    • 14:55-15:10 Unsupervised Meta-Learning for Reinforcement Learning
  • Oral Session - III:
    • 16:30 - 16:45 A Sliding-Window Approach for Reinforcement Learning in MDPs with Arbitrarily Changing Rewards and Transitions
    • 16:45 - 17:00 Attend Before you Act: Leveraging human visual attention for continual learning