Call for Papers:


​The submitted work should be an extended abstract of between 4-8 pages (including references). The submission should be in pdf format and should follow the style guidelines for ICML 2018 (found here). The review process is double-blind and the work should be submitted by the latest 23rd May 2018, 30th May 2018, 11:59 PM (Anywhere on Earth). Submissions must be made through Easychair: ​​

There will be no formal publication of workshop proceedings. However, the accepted papers will be made available online in the workshop website.


The topics of interest include but not limited to

  • ​Using Hierarchical Abstractions to perform lifelong learning (e.g., skills/options and state space representations)
  • Catastrophic forgetting in lifelong learning
  • Transfer Learning
  • Multi-task Learning
  • Curriculum Learning
  • Meta Learning
  • Deep Learning as a tool for performing lifelong learning
  • Determine new, challenging benchmark domains