New Level 1 Standards


I've put together a few videos and handouts that kaiako may find useful to share my own personal opinions and understandings of the new NCEA standards.

The NCEA website has the most up to date versions of the standard and resources.

Numeracy Unit Standard


NEW Numeracy Info Sheet.pdf

Level 1 Achievement Standards


NEW Achievement Standard Info Sheets Big Picture Thinking.docx

AS1.1 Exploring data


NEW Achievement Standard Info Sheets AS1.1 Exploring data.docx

Videos of NZGrapher updates - from Jake Wills

AS1.3 maths and Stats literacy


NEW Achievement Standard Info Sheets AS1.3 Maths and Stats literacy.docx

1.2 and 1.4

Francis Leslie-Ellis has put together videos with more explanations and ideas around these two standards. 

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